When the Riot decided that my current elo is supposed to be my highest elo I was dropped back to 1442 where I had decayed from my highest 1580 elo. I had only occasionally played 1 Ranked game per month to stop the further decaying, but when I read that all gold elo players get the new Victorious Janna skin, I knew I wanted it. I have all the other Janna skins so I want this one too although she's not even my main nor do I play her often enough to use all the skins. But it was a goal I set myself, to get 1500 elo.
So like try to get elo as a support player... It's damn painful.

First day I started at evening and managed to win most of my games climbing from 1442 to 1470ish. I was naive enough to thought that I was just 3 games away from my gold, but oh lord... Next day it was probably about 30 games and at the end of the day I was finally back to 1470ish. I mean I think I played about 10 hours...
It started so innocently, I won 2 games that put me to 1496 and I thought "YAY, ONE MORE WIN!". Only then I lost 6 games in a row due to trolls, that go top lane and feed, then mid either flames or feeds, someone goes afk...

Third day I met a lot of other players stuck in the elo hell of 1400-1500 trying to get the Janna skin. I met another girl player and my female intuition told me she's a girl. (Look a video by Dunkey in Youtube: 1. girls play mostly female champs 2. can't jungle or aren't just good at it 3. have pretty skins.) She was a Miss Fortune player who I duo queued afterwards, but we lost due to flamers. She's a french person, but actually writes understandable and relatively good english. (I have experience from french girls since I lived with one 2 years ago for several months, but her english was umm... not so good :D Never knew if she was hungry or angry...)

I tried playing more and ended up losing even more even to the point where I was back at 1420ish. Then I made it to 1461, lost so I was 1440, then got back to 1461. It was almost the same number which wouldnt let me exceed it. Today I finally got a 3 win row after some lose-win-lose-win streak and when I got to elo 1488 I panicked. What if I get 11 points that put me only 1 point away from my goal? (Out of all the players aiming for gold I met someone who was 1499, but couldn't reach 1500.)
With dreaded horror I clicked the Victory button at the end of my Taric game (I switched playing to him, because Sona was too squishy against all those Leonas and Blitzcranks) and yay, I got 13 points for winning!


Since I made a promise to myself that if I ever get lucky enough to get teams that can carry a support player like me back to gold before the season ends, I begin to learn to carry those games by myself by learning 5 new champions. Including a jungler - since I'm famous for not being able to jungle. So I bought Amumu, Ezreal and thought about learning Diana and Syndra who I already have. Then there's someone left for top lane, because Season 3 I thought i'd actually try other roles. You have no idea how boring it was to play around 30-50 games Ranked everytime a support, most of those times Sona and lately Taric.
Afterwards I owned with Diana and Syndra mid, did jungle with some noobs (below lvl30, mostly 21-28 lvl) and did ok. Now I'm just waiting to get the Janna skin when the season ends and hope it was worth all the trouble. I migh even take a small break out of League of Legends due to my excessive playing these last few days and play Sims 2, make some epicly good food and hope the 2 dresses I ordered from Zalando will arrive eventually.

Happy golden bunny gets out to sleep now ;P