Only took me like four times in promo and managed to do it like 8 days too late to get the banner. Bleh.
I don't think I had this bad luck even when I was trying to get out of Silver I. I mean I was promos about 5 times back then too, but this time I lost two full promos (all 3 games in a row :D) then lost a couple more and ended up at 0 points. Then climbed back again twice until I finally made it through with a full AP Singed top lane who thought it was cool to let Irelia free farm for 20 minutes, because he was afk for the first 5 minutes.

Now I can't verify myself for some reason (bug with Mobafire?) but not like it matters, I don't get to brag with my accomplishes for much longer since reset happens and Season 4 comes. Well, at least I saw Platinum (MY BF SHOULD BE SO PROUD OF ME NOW!), but all I really wanted was the banner <.< Platinum isn't that much different from gold anyway at least how much I've seen it, but I think it was a really long way to climb from Silver III to where I'm standing so I'm proud and happy anyway. :)

Now that I'm Plat all I really want is the Season 4, new support masteries and items and AP scaling, HELL YEAH! Been waiting for this ever since Season 1 since even if I did get money for AP items people would frown (and not even my teammates, but people online).
I finally get to play like how I've always wanted and I already found my new favourite masteries from the peek we got earlier. :)
So excited for Season 4!