When I started playing LoL Karma was just released the same day. I bought her and Sona and she was the second champion I played and I instantly loved her, because she was elegant, she shielded and healed. (And when I was a noob I played all supports AP :D)

Later on I found Soraka and the other supports, but Karma still stayed special for me. At lvl 30 I didn't play her much, because her range was shorter than the others and very few people knew how to play with her. On top of that it was hard deciding what to build her, because as a full support with 0 AP she wasn't as good as with some AP, but as AP carry she wasn't as good as the others.

I admit that Karma needed change, but they didn't need to completely ruin her. I HATE the new Karma. It would have been enough to give her slightly longer range, take away the % heal scaling and make it stable like with Nami (or give it that knockback my friend was talking about). Maybe buff her Spirit Bond to slow and maybe stun enemies if it stayed unbroken or if someone run through it.
They didn't need to make her into a completely new character.

New Karma has nothing left of her dignity or elegance. First of all, I loved her heal, because she was the only champion in LoL who actually had non-ulti aoe heal (ecxluding Alistar, because nobody plays him as a healer) and had a heal and a shield at the same time. Sure I get Riot wants us to play more offensive, but not everybody wants to be a carry. I for one have always played cleric/priest/healer in MMORPGS (maybe that's why I got bored of GW2 so fast) and playing healer support in LoL is my favourite thing to do. With all the heal nerfs and now Karma I feel like that is being taken away from me.
SEcondly, I loved Karma's old outfit. My ingame friend said she looked old (I assume that means around 40, for a teenage boy), but she was MEANT to look a little older, dignified, elegant lady in a pretty dress.
What does the new Karma look like?


I get it that most people who play LoL are teenage boys with their hormones, but seriously, do every female champion need to flash out some cleavage and/or legs? (Everyone with a fashion sense knows not so show off both at the same time :D) Go watch porn if you want to see more naked ladies, LoL is meant to be age approriate game. By age approriate I mean it should have older champs as well and not just 18-25 looking girls in their underwear. Might as well give Janna a bikini skin?

Back to Karma and her skills again. She's like LeBlanc+ Lux now focused on slowing enemies. Old Karma sure had little to no CC and that was her biggest problem, but taking away her healing ability and making all her skills slow enemies was a bit too much. I'd get if they tweaked her skillset, but now she's a completely new character with new looks and all.

Some fortune telling at the end: old Karma players like me will try, but don't like her after her release. She is then buffed to get more people to play her and then everyone plays her. Soon she's permaban in Ranked and everyone complains she's OP. After that she is nerfed to the graveyard and nobody even remembers she had a rework.