So long I've wished and waited for Riot to release more support skins, since I main supports and I'd like to have some versatility. As for Kayle's Battleborn skin I can't really completely put her to support category mainly because she's not a full support and not often played as a support by other players (I do play her as a support on Normal games). After that skin came the Kayle skin everyone else has as well, which imo is really ugly. Who the hell thought brown wings are pretty, seriously?

It took several months before they eventually made other supports skins and the next one they did make was for Taric, who I didn't play at the time so it really didn't make me as happy as probably some who thought all the other skins are so rainbow gay.

When they released the new Janna skin, I bought it instantly which is semi-funny since I don't play her as much as Soraka and Sona, but I have all of her skins. :D Earlier ones I bought when they were on sale and the Ice Queen I bought simply, because she resembles Shiva from Final Fantasy games so much (and I absolutely love those games). It's quite easy to see where Riot got their inspiration:

Shiva from Final Fantasy IX.

And this one is from Final Fantasy X. <3

For ages I've waited them to make a new Sona skin and when looking through custom made skins in Leaguecraft or something I ran into a Geisha Sona custom skin and thought Riot should really make something similar to that, since Sona with a shamisen would be so cool. I mean I really like the original skin, but all the other skins are so ugly, they are too simple and doesn't make her look as pretty as the original one. Except that I totally love Silent Night Sona skin[/color] and was looking forward to purchasing that skin this Christmas since last Christmas I didn't play LoL, but Riot didn't put in on sale :( I would've bought it for 1820 RP I say.

After being dissapointed from not getting Silent Night Skin, Riot has finally answered my prayers: new skin for my main and eternal favourite champion of the League:

I know it's not Geisha, but a chinese Sona is also quite epic and this one actually reminds very much that Geisha Sona skin I saw on that other side where I ended up by looking for forums about people who felt the same, that they should make more skins for support. For now I'm happy since finally I have another skin for my main although the new sounds sometimes distract me and confuse me.

So, when is it time for new Soraka skin? I know the Divine Soraka is too pretty to be ignored and to be honest, I've never played a single game without that skin when using Soraka. When I bought her, I bought the skin without trying the character. I'm lucky that I liked her, because it would be terrible waste of coins not to play something you have skins for. Like in my example, Orianna who I'd love to play, but I suck as her and don't really want to lose intentionally by picking her... (I do have all the skins for her, I bought the bundle when she was released.)

Also as a support player, other than spending money into a trivial game, I'm looking forward to getting a new support champion. I mean, Riot has released dozens of melee characters, like Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Nocturne, Wukong, Shyvana, Riven, Volibear etc... Also too many mages compared to how few AD carries they've made. But, since Karma was released back then when I started to play LoL, which was in last March I'd think...


Why oh why?! It's pretty clear to me that they don't think anyone would want a new support, but to be honest, it's boring to always play the same characters. Especially in Ranked Games you can't even use a different build for them, but you always have to go the same route or get flamed for trying to be different (even if it were successful).
There have been way too many melee characters, I mean there is more than plenty of choices for top and mid lane, but bot lane is pretty much consisting of the usual combos with only a few exceptions or none.
I'd like a new support characters and of course, new skins :)