Hey everyone, just another blog from me :)

The past month was really nice. I nearly passed all of my subjects at school, I became a Veteran here and I played my first international bridge tournament. That was a great experience, let's hope many will follow!
But let's not forget what has gotten me there. The many trainings, which I travel over 2 hours for, and the practise over the internet with my partner. I think I can get much further than this, and I will do my best to make everyone proud.
Speaking of making everyone proud, I am honored that you, the community of Mobafire, have given me so much +rep that I made it to Veteran! I try my best to give good reviews that people request in my review shop, I hope that many people have benefited from my 7 guides and that those with burning questions have been helped by me and of course all the other members of Mobafire.
Speaking of guides, I have updated all of my champion guides. Enjoy the renewed skills, runes and masteries sections!
But to all positives mentioned above, there are also negative sides. After a good start on a project I started, namely making a game, the project is sort of stopped. Progress is measly, as far as I know at least. It saddens me but well, I really want to do it with or without help. The game will be there, do not worry!
And what to think of that strange accident... I was cycling through the rain, wind in my face, causing me to see nothing. I crashed head-first into a non-moving truck, causing some injuries. I was very lucky to not be injured more seriously, it was all over in about a week.

I guess luck was on my side the past month. I hope that for you also, fortune has favored you.

Have a great May, everyone!