Hey everyone, just a small notice. I have archived all of my champion guides until I have the time to update them with Season 3 masteries. Since there is a new builder as well I might just never unarchive them and start new guides.

My review shop will stay but I will not review guides until I consider myself having sufficient knowledge of the new items and masteries. You can apply for a review but I will queue it up until further notice.

My columns guide is unaffected, while my general guide to LoL will stay up because most of the info is still relevant. Will update the masteries ASAP.

Thanks for understand and I hope you're looking forward to seeing my guides in a new jacket!

EDIT: On second thought, I have archived my general guide to LoL as well since more has changed than I thought at first. Will update it with correct info as soon as I can, kinda busy atm with school.