Hello everybody!

Last few days my friends were sending me tons of funny videos about Wood 5 plays, and ELO HELL. It was hilarious, and scary at the same time. And by YT suggestions, I clicked on few videos about Elo Hell.

Generally, there are two opinions about this stuff. Either you believe in it, or you don't. Usually pros says there is no such thing, noobs says there is and it is too real.

Today,I guess dark powers shifted through our realm, black holes constellations went into conjunction and by some divine doing - while listening to the first podcast of Jungle Nation on my phone while in work - I found the thruth. I definately did, my friends. The answer is here, divided into two related, and closely explained statements:

Elo Hell does exist....

The proof is everywhere. YouTube and blogposts are full of it. I witnessed it myself - I lost plenty of games that I played quite good, because I was the only one (or we were 2 if I qued with a friend) actually palying. And I know why pros says it doesn't. In that podcast, C4 Lasty said something like - Elo Hell doesn't exist, I can go play bronze game, wreck 99 of 100 games and climb up, out of that league.

Well, of course he can, he is Diamond 1 player. That is as if I, being 27 years old, said - I can go to elementary school and do all the exams within one hour and score 99 out of 100. (While first graders would sweat like hell and would be jealous of how smart I am). Now back to LoL - if you are really good, you can carry the game yourself. You don't need your team in low elo games, as your enemy has at least 1 or 2 trolls, so you face just 3 unskilled noobs, who you can outplay and outsmart every time you meet them. Because you know stuff, they don't even dream about being possible. :) This being said, I really believe in Elo Hell. And it brings us to the second part of the statement:

...but you can't get stuck in there.

If you are playing Bronze/Silver league, it is because you belong in there. You have not enough knowledge, skill (or both) to climb anywhere higher. And unless you do something about it, you will be playng the division and tier, you belong to.

Again, I would like to use pros as an example. They really can log in a Bronze 5 smurf and get him to Diamond in a week. Why? Because they have skill, they know the game from every aspect, and they can destroy noobs while having just Mobility Boots, Cloth Armor and a Doran's Blade in their inventory. Because they care, carry and dedicated *****load of time to this game.

Recently I started to take this game a bit more seriously. I think about this a lot, I try to get as much info as I can, I listen to pros, try different things to find out what suits me... and while I can see improvement, still I am not able to carry the game. Therefore, if I get (after my other 9 provisionals) into Bronze league - guess whose fault it will be. Yes - mine. So, if you are "stuck" in the Elo Hell, it is because you are the noob yourself, and as that nice sayng goes: If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I agree. If you can't carry the game in Bronze or Silver by yourself - what do you want? How dare you think you are good enough for high elo games? Imagine yourself in Diamond division. Cannon fodder is the best you can hope for to achieve :)


Elo-Hell is real. But if you are in there, it is because you yourself are "that guy" who lost your promo and LP's. If you don't improve, do not expect your random team mates to carry you out of there. Because you don't deserve it anyway and you will suffer even more in higher tiers.

And now.. let's do something about those provisionals of mine. The stress of "how will I fare" is killing me and making me not want to play rnaked at all :D

DISCLAIMER: Since I know myself and I know, sometimes I say/write stuff, that people usually get wrong, I rather make this clear right away. In the part I mentioned C4 Lasty, it was not intended as a rage-rant, insult or whatever of that sort. After that podcast I think he knows what is he talking about, I learned A LOT from him (and Bil28 ofc :D), and he even instantly answered my noob questions about jungling, for which I am grateful. It is just when I heard him saying that stuff, for the first time I tried to think about that topic from his (pro player) point of view. And I totally understand now, why he (and the other high elo players), do not believe in Elo Hell. I tried to point out, how he could get that idea, and used his name just because it was him, who made me think about all of this, so I used him as an example. I hope I made it clear enough, otherwise there will be just one thing left to do - and right now I don't have can of pineapple, bottle of window celaner and a mickey-mouse-like hat... :/