Hello friends, another strategy blog.

Have you ever wondered how the enemy jungler gets ahead in levels even though you are basically doing the same thing as he is? (Ganking... farming... doing objectives...)

As a jungler it's not too unusual to fall behind the enemy laners in levels during the early game but you should be able to keep up around the same level in mid game and forward. You are doing something wrong if you fall 2-3 levels behind of average levels of mid/top laner or enemy jungler unless they are stomping the game.

The top 3 reasons why you may fall behind are: Bad jungle rotations/efficiency, time wasting and not understandidng your champion and your job with that certain champion. I'll just focus on jungle rotations this blog.

Let's start.

Jungle rotatios are the main reasons how level and exp lead is attained. Basically what this means is finding the most efficient jungling route while minimizing the time loss between camps. Being efficient in jungle rotations will straight up win you the normal match-up, GUARANTEED. Very (VERY) few junglers are efficient in the jungle in platinum/lower diamond, not to mention gold/silver/bronze and this is far from rocket scienece, which is the most frustrating thing when I see bad jungle rotations.

Let me show you a example of efficient jungle rotation:

This is just a simple example, obviously the route may differ but the main goal is the same: Maximize gold and exp gain from camps while minimizing the travel time between camps. You clear the whole jungle, recall and you want to start the jungle where you started it from. This way you will never run out of camps as they will spawn as soon as you have finished your earlier camp.

Obviously you want to gank in between clears like after you have cleared one half of the map, you need to think if you can gank a lane between your current camp and the next camp on the other half of the map. While clearing the camp, you need to make the decision if you want to gank or not because you don't want to camp 1 place too long for a single gank. Also stay aware of your jungle respawns as 10-30 seconds of waiting for a jungle camp is really bad and the enemy jungler may get up to 2 or more camps during this time or a gank somewhere. 1 minute without doing anything is really horrible and basically means you're down a level by now. This minute of doing nothing means: no pressure to enemy lanes, no ganks, no jungle camps, no objectives and no vision wars.

Let's put up a example of a common bad jungle rotation:

What happens here is that you take the easiest jungle camps around and the most important ones and then you just decide to recall, leaving 2 camps untouched. After you have recalled, all you have left is Gromp and Raptors. Going for the Raptros at this point is not that bad as going to the Gromp but in both cases you won't have anything in your jungle for quite some time so you're basically useless if you can't gank lanes either.

Going to the Gromp here is the #1 mistake. You just see "Hey, Gromp is up" and automatically just go there, not thinking about what to do next. After the Gromp, you have maybe 45 seconds before wolves spawn so you're forced to walk to Krugs, wasting around 30 seconds worth of xp/gold.

This all sounds very simple and it is. When I first heard about jungle rotations and looked it up, I thought something like "that's common sense. I'm jungling just fine." But in-game... the reality was the exact opposite, I didn't even notice how much time I was wasting just doing nothing in the jungle and I ignored this for a very long time. You don't see how much time you're wasting until you really start paying attention to it when it happens to you in-game.

Hopefully this helped someone. Inform me if I left something out, cheers.