I don’t know how many LoL players would recognize that they are noobs (being really noobs). I suppose not too many of noobs say “I am a noob.” So…

I am a noob :) And this problem clashes with my personality. I am a perfectionist. And this is a real LoL gamer tragedy to be a perfectionist noob. I have been trying to improve my skills, have been playing a lot, but I make mistakes. “And? Who does not make mistakes?” – ask you. I can accept mistakes affecting only me, but I can’t afford mistakes affecting other people. In the real life I care much about not offending someone, not discouraging someone, etc. In LoL I can ruin a game by my mistakes. It’s awful. I am too responsible to allow myself to ruin a game which could be won if I am more skillful. So I refused to play against people at all, even normal games (since they are insulting and shouting there too, as if it is ranked). Now I play only against bots, since I can’t refuse playing this game, I love it. But if you know how easy it is to play with bots, you would understand that sometimes I feel really sad that I can’t allow myself to play against people.

Fortunately, I have a boyfriend, who plays LoL extremely well, he is such a pro as compared to me, and as if specially for me Riots have introduced Spectator Mode. This is a great substitution for my own playing, I can observe how my boyfriend is playing (and almost always owning) and be happy about his success. I am not so ambitious to have success too, his one is enough for me, I still participated in LoL life.

And the last one but not the least. Since I refused to play against people because of the lack of skill, since I see how sometimes bad players really RUIN ranked games of my boyfriend, I pray those who recognize they are noobs (at least for themselves) don’t play ranked games. Please. Don’t be careless. You don’t need to refuse from playing normal games as me, this is my personal trouble, but if you are not skilled enough, just don’t betray others.
There is difference between a skilled player losing a game and a noob who made others to lose.