Just notes I'm putting up against certain Solo Tops as Renekton. Their only for if I forget how powerful opponents can be and what I should do against them.(Nowhere else to put them, plus I can get some insight if I should change them around so I don't do stupid things.)

Garen- Easy to Harass, Hard to escape with his silence. After Level 6 just kill him. Most are very aggresive, usually leading to easy kills for me.
Irelia-Poses a threat at all times, harass early for attempts at kills, domination in mid game.
Wukong-Too easy, can't harass without taking a stun and Cull the Meek right back. Easy kills.
Jarvan IV-Hard to harass and too tanky for kills unless they're stupid. Wait for jungler.
Yorick-Don't fight alone, ever. Wait for jungler.
Nidalee-Shut down early game, poses a threat after level 6, do not attempt harass unless overfarmed/fed.
Any ranged carry-Just kill.
Maokai-Does little damage to you laning phase, easy to kill, hard to escape when their jungler's around.
Gangplank-Go in every time he trys to Parrrley, as most just itch to shoot the enemy even when it does no damage. Can't trade off with you for anything.
Cho'Gath-Avoid Rupture, go in after Feral Scream goes on CD.
Nautilus-Useless after he uses his whole burst, go in then. If too low on health, probably should just ult and attack.
Akali-Way too easily killed pre-6. Post-6 don't push too hard.
Alistar-No damage, but amazing sustain. Just don't harass and ignore him.
Dr. Mundo-Avoid cleaver at all costs, fight if he gets too close, always Ignite if forced to fight.
Nasus-Harass every time you see him charge Siphoning Strike. Effectively shut down if done correctly.
Pantheon-Hard burst, can't feed him or you lose the lane, fight when you've busted his passive.
Poppy-Easily killed.
Talon-You harass harder, chase him when he Cutthroats and runs.
Jax-After Counter Strike, fight and kill.
Olaf-Can fight, but poses threat. Dodge Undertow then harass.
Riven-You can out damage her, she's a master at making people run, but if you stay she's gonna run.
Rumble-Can harass while simply farming with his flames. Just dodge around and kill.
Xin Zhao-Can always farm back his health after harass, don't go in unless you plan on killing and have Ignite.
Warwick-Same as above.
Trundle-Direct counter to you. Harass and run like hell. Rinse and repeat until you can go in for the kill.
Tryndamere-Easy kill pre-6, a ***** to kill post-6. Don't fight without Ignite to kill him when he runs, and alway be wary when he dives you.
Shyvana-Outdamages you, if you harass, be sure to have both of Slice and Dice ready.
Singed-Harass when he tries to farm or Fling's you, never chase him directly.
Sion-Easy kill pre-6. Don't even try post-6, maybe with Ignite.
Kennen-Just be careful post-6, and never get hit by his Q.
Nunu & Willump-Chase and kill whenever he tries to iceball you.
Udyr-Hard to harass, wait for jungler on this one.
Vladimir-Never let him Q you unless you were going in for harass. Most get aggresive with Transfusion.
Lee Sin-A threat at any level, with a deadly and sustained kit. Only fight him if he jumps to you. Should probably carry Ignite, because he has both lifesteal and spell vamp.