said patchnotes can be found here

For now I'll skip Zed because quite frankly we won't really have an understanding of how he operates just looking at numbers. I will say however, assassins are never very appealing to me and I would say most players agree that in this meta assassin based champions aren't appealing. From what I understand Riot is attempting to fix that by changing around the way MPen and ArPen work, so that they work more favorably.

Moving on to champion/general/item changes:

Amumu - Bandage Toss - Decrease range from 1100 to 1075 - I'm unsure about this change; on one hand I don't think it will have much change on his gameplay, on the other it seems like a strange nerf targeted at a seemingly underplayed jungler. Perhaps it's a preemptive nerf to the fear that he might become flavor of the month


Elise - Cocoon/Rappel - the stun now reveals - a pretty major quality of life change that I'm not sure was needed. I do think Elise feels kind of underwhelming at times, but it's too early to tell to be honest. I actually do think this is a good change for Elise

Elise - Neurotoxin/Venomous Bite - Increase ratio from .2 to .3 - I don't know enough about her, but what I've seen I think her early rank damage is quite low and late game her damage is decent. I don't know if this is the appropriate change, but again I don't know much about Elise

Elise - Spider Form - ratio increased from .2 to .3 bonus damage per auto - Again I don't know much about Elise but this seems to be a good change. I think that a melee range mage who isn't necessarily rewarded for building tanky should get rewarded with damage


Irelia - Transcendent Blades - range increased from 1000 to 1100 - decent buff for her. It's nice to see Irelia getting some love after what seems to be 2 years of straight, progressive nerfs. What will this change mean? Not a whole lot, just seems to be for good measure and Morello throwing Irelia players a bone every once in a while.


Katarina - Bouncing Blades - Base damage reduced to 60/90/120/150/180 from 60/95/130/165/200 - Probably necessary changes, but not really sure. She can snowball quite hard and her Bouncing Bladess do quite a bit of damage just from leveling it up. I question how this will effect her competitively, I understand that the average solo queue player doesn't always know how to take advantage of her subpar early game, but then again I think we could all see this coming.

Katarina - Sinister Steel - Base damage reduced to 40/75/110/145/180 from 40/80/120/160/200 - really kind of surprising. Early ranks do quite little damage, if anything I was expecting a movement speed nerf. Maybe reducing the damage on this is Riot's 'okay' with Katarina's high mobility, but I think Riot may have missed the mark on this one.


LeBlanc - Distortion - mana cost reduced to 80/85/90/95/100 mana from 80/90/100/110/120 - a pretty substantial quality of life change for LeBlanc players. Probably a necessary change, but I don't necessarily want to see more LeBlanc play :<


Nidalee - Javelin Toss - Range reduced to 1450 from 1500 - really a mind-boggling change because it really only affects AP Nidalee as AD Nidalee doesn't necessarily use spear effectively. I really wonder what Riot is trying to achieve with this change. AP Nidalee isn't necessarily regarded as that strong, she has her place but she isn't exactly dominating majority of games, in fact she's probably seen on the weaker side for most players. This is actually a more substantial nerf than the average player may think; this brings her spear in line with that of Twisted Fate's Wild Cards and Jayce's To The Skies! / Shock Blast (unconfirmed, 1050 base range but gains more thru gate). Considering that both Twisted Fate and Jayce are seen as top picks in the perspective roles, this really makes Nidalee a weaker choice for a poke team. From what I've understood Riot is looking to make changes to the way skillshots work and said they needed to reduce the range on some, but given that nether Jayce's Q nor Twisted Fate's Wild Cards are receiving range nerfs, I think we have a right to question the nerf.


Soraka - Infuse - Ratio reduced to .6 from .75 - considering hardly anyone plays AP Raka and no one really builds AP on her as a support unless she's snowballing this nerf doesn't really do anything. I kind of wonder why Riot is looking to make this change considering it won't really affect anyone. Additionally, Soraka isn't even seen as that good, no one is willing to pick her in competitive play because she's like a free 2v1, she doesn't do anything right now and most people aren't willing to pick a champion that means a virtual 4v5 the entire game.


Twisted Fate - Pick A Card - looks like mana restored on Blue Card will be based off of .4 total AD? - Not sure if I'm understanding this, but the mana returned on Blue Card will restore based on .4 of your AD in addition to the 65% base? Don't really understand the necessity of this change unless they are trying to encourage AD tf play, and in which case, definitely did not address appropriate concerns.


Twitch - Ambush - after 1.3 seconds of not taking damage Twitch stealths, changed from 3 second delay after taking damage - big quality of life change for Twitch and a necessary one. I said he is a sleeper pick for AD bot lane, strong early game, snowballs hard and has incredible team fight presence; Riot addressed a necessary problem with Twitch in that of survivability. They could do more to increase his survivability, but this is huge and a good change.


Varus - Piercing Arrow - Range reduced to 875 from 925 - a ADC + AD caster hybrid gets a range nerf on one of his definitive features? RIP Varus. No but in all seriousness he isn't that great late game, his one feature is this weird ADC poke and it's getting nerfed to below that of Ezreal's Essence Flux when it was already lower than Mytic Shot and Corki's Missile Barrage. Sure the range increases based on the longer you channel it, but a nerf is still a nerf and this one doesn't make a whole lot of sense given that he's seen as Tristana tier of AD carries.


Veigar - Equilibrium - Mana regen changed to 1% per 1% missing up from .75% of 1% missing - addresses Veigar's mana problems. A pretty nice quality of life change that will make him less blue buff dependent and perhaps we will see more of him.


Item Changes:

Blade of the Ruined King - changed heals to heal - grammar buff

Lord Van Damm's Pillager - Reduction on health +300, 20% armor pen from +350 health and 25% armor pen - saw this coming, this item was and still is pretty beast for any bruiser based champion in 3v3 and considering bruisers still dominate the map, nerfs were bound to happen

Wooglet's Witchcap - Item cost increased to 3500 from 2700. Recipe cost increased to 1200 from 1100. Movement Speed increase removed and now has Zhonya's effect - I'm going to take a guess that phreak come up with this, but given that Tri-force wasn't involved I could be wrong. Phreak thought process: guys, guys, guys, no listen guys, what if, guys, we put zhonya's, guys listen, what if we put zhonya's and death cap, in one item"

that's all I got hope you've enjoyed