
Coast - Kassadin, Sivir, Lissandra
Dignitas - Rek'Sai, Janna, LeBlanc



Top Lane - Gnar - Cris
Jungle - Rengar - Impaler
Mid Lane - Ahri - Jesiz
Support - Leona - Sheep
ADC - Caitlyn - MashedMe


Top Lane - Irelia - Gamsu
Jungle - Jarvan IV - Crumbz
Mid Lane - Azir - Shiphtur
Support - Annie - KiWiKiD
ADC - Corki - CoreJJ

Initial Reaction:

Pick and ban phase went well for both teams in my opinion. I actually like the team comp that Coast had a lot better than Dignitas, but that's not to say Dignitas comp was bad. I don't really think there was a clear winner in pick and ban phase, I thought both teams did an awesome job with their comp. I really liked the Annie/ Corki combo out of Dignitas, it provides a huge amount of burst and it was really seen throughout the game with how well Kiwi and CoreJJ controlled the bot lane. Sheep and Coast responded correctly to the Annie/ Corki lane with a Leona pick. Leona dominates annie and was already good for the pick comp they had. The Rengar/ Leona combo from Coast was absolutely vicious. Coast had huge catch-potential and strong team fight with the Ahri, Gnar and Leona. I didn't really like the Caitlyn pick that much, i don't like Caitlyn/ Leona lanes, but it actually worked really well. The Azir pick was huge and a great response to the hard engage pick comp.

The Early Game:

It's hard to say who won the early game. Dignitas bot lane definitely dominated Sheep and MashdMe early on. Shiphtur definitely established a lot of pressure against Jesiz in the mid lane, but Impaler actually had more of an impact early than Crumbz did on Jarvan IV. Top lane was won by Cris on Gnar but that's not really surprising. Cris really didn't have a great game, but that's not really surprising considering Cris is probably the weakest top laner in the NA LCS, the fact that Gamsu bullied him early at times on Irelia was both impressive and embarrassing. If you had to hand an early game to a team Dignitas probably won the early game.

The Mid Game:

The mid game was so exciting and this was really a great game and both teams played their comps fairly well. Coast definitely came out on top in the mid game though. They played their comp so well, using the Rengar and Leona ults to catch people out, while MashedMe send's his ult from half way across the map. They were able to pick off KiWiKiD and Crumbz so many teams and with such ease. Their team fight was pretty lacking after their pick offs because they could seemingly never get onto Azir and Shiphtur just did so much damage. Despite getting picked off a lot and seemingly losing quite a bit of map pressure, Dignitas was able to control some dragons.

I don't really think there was a late game this game, because of the unbelievable ending. KiWiKiD had a HUGE Flash Tibbers onto Jesiz' Ahri that instantly deleted him. Obviously Coast made a major blunder thinking they could get baron and Gamsu stopping their recall at the end was a huge play that sealed the game. Realistically there isn't much to talk about because the game seemingly ended so abruptly.


I really liked both teams in this game. I think Coast actually played a better game than Dignitas, but obviously KiWiKiD came up huge; he had a huge game on Annie even despite the flash tibbers. Coast executed their team comp to near perfection and without the mistake at baron, I actually think they would have won the game. The only thing to really conclude from this is that both teams looked good, I'd actually say in a lot of aspects both Dignitas and Coast looked better than Cloud 9 did which is really surprising