Played two ranked games today with my friend.

First game: Get first pick choose Akali and call mid. End ups switching to top and putting Darius mid because I got killed pre level six and needed it. We switch but our lane partners switch as well so it accomplished nothing. My jungler (my friend) Olaf ganks 4 times but fails every time but one in which I get the kill. I end up going negative and not really doing anything all game but afk farming and pushing top towers down. Our Darius gets fed and we win just as I was getting farmed enough to come back into the game and kill everything.

Second game: Get first pick choose Akali and call mid. My buddy is last pick (he has 900 ELO I have 1160 thanks to solo que) And calls top and somehow gets it with Pantheon. My other teammates are inconsequential and deadweight except for the 4th pick who locks in Gragas despite me already having called mid and locked in a mid champ. So I'm forced to go bot and Gragas feeds morde. I guess I should be thankful. He gets cocky and ganks bot. I get pissed at him for trying and just kill everything putting me at 4-0 as support akali. I carry my fail team with the help of my buddy who got all his kills stolen via noc ult early so had to get back in the game through me letting him steal my kills (i'm Akali man I don't need nuthin) I get Deathfire Grasp since I started with a kage's for the gold since I was in a duo lane. I initiate the final teamfight with it and instantly knock singed down to less than half health with it. I get like a triple kill or something and push to win.

Synopsis: My plan seems to be working so far even if it isn't exactly going how I saw it going in my head. (support Akali?)

EDIT: Oh my god I forgot the best part of he second game! My friend stole baron with his panth ult and then flashed out. It was beautiful.