Hi everyone,

There are some pretty exciting changes taking place with Trinity Force and Frozen Mallet right now on the PBE. If Riot decides to release a version of these changes it could definitely impact bruiser builds including Nasus. Here are some of the changes so far...

"Trinity Force:
Now gives 10% Movement Speed (up from 8%)
Rage: Basic attacks now grant 30 MS for 2 seconds (Up from 20 MS for 1.5 Seconds)
Rage: Kills grant 90 MS for 2 seconds (up from 60 MS for 1.5 Seconds)

Summary: Phage and Trinity Force no longer have the “Icy” slow passive. Instead of a percentage chance to slow an enemy champion on hit, these items now grant movement speed for a short duration of time, along with even more movement speed on minion, monster, and champion kills. Frozen Mallet’s function remains unchanged, but its recipe has changed.

Context: With the nerfs to Blade of the Ruined King, we wanted to create more tools for bruisers to remain “sticky” to their targets. We focused on in-skirmish mobility as a valuable and healthy stat for all champions, where Phage’s percentage chance slow was something we ultimately wanted to phase out."

This means champions that rely on sticking to targets to do damage, e.g. Nasus, Jax, Skarner will get a nice buff and ultimately make them more viable. Stacking Trinity Force on top of Frozen Mallet could be viable and possibly become a standard build. Hard to say yet, but could the reign of IBG be over? I'm looking forward to Riots final changes and seeing the new build combinations we could get from this!