Well, we finally have good news for Nasus. After months of being dumped on by Riot's balance team it appears he is getting multiple indirect buffs on the PBE 4.5.

- Teleport cooldown to towers reduced (4.4)
- Frozen Heart price reduced
- IBG price reduced
- Glacial Shroud price reduced
- Distortion & Alacrity Enchantments

In addition to other champion nerfs such as Elise, the above buffs are very significant as these are heavily used by Nasus players. With continued buffs to enchantments we may be able to get Teleport below a 100 second cooldown when taking masteries as well! This sounds a little OP so it's hard to say how this will effect the game as a whole. However, as far as Nasus is concerned this is huge.

Also, with Frozen heart and IBG having hundreds of gold shaved off their prices I wouldn't be surprised to see these items finally together. If nothing else one thing is for sure: having them cheaper is a large buff to Nasus and I can't wait to test them out in lane. The cheaper glacial will surely make stacking easier in the early game.

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