I'm here suggeting a team that can easily destroy an enemy positioning and probably destroy the current metagame:

Blitzcrank as the tank
Amumu as the AP Offtank
Trundle as Jungler and AD Offtank
Alistar as the Support
Xerath* as the AP carry


This setup allows for VERY heavy CC and destruction of positioning, thus, allowing Xerath to easily nuke an enemy that gets far from his team, this can be easily achieved by using Trundle's Pillar and allowing Alistar to Headbutt the target into the team, making him/her an easy target.


By killing Xerath, a VERY important part of the damage made by the team can be compromised. It's also the only ranged character on the composition, so it would allow for easy kiting.


This team setup is also flexible, in which Alistar and [Blitzcrank]] could change their jobs the same way that Amumu and Trundle could switch between Jungler / Laner.

Xerath could be easily swapped for:



Solo top: Alistar / Trundle / Amumu
Mid: AP carry
Jungle: Trundle / Amumu
Bottom: Alistar / Blitzcrank and Trundle / Amumu


Basically, the team would need ganks on the solo lanes while leaving bottom to protect dragon at all costs.

If Amumu is jungling, mid should have plenty of ganks whenever the enemy laner gets lower than 50% hp. Solo top should feel free to call for ganks, but not abuse of it, as amumu becomes less potent when the river brush is warded. If there is an enemy Sion, allow Amumu to cast despair and block his chance to make use of his overgrown HP pool.

If Trundle is jungling, though, bottom could spare one laner for the gank (as Trundle has no heavy CC, but a single position-destroyer skill). Solo top should have as many ganks as possible when the lane gets pushed, and should avoid overextending. When the enemy Jungle is Shaco, Trundle MUST coordinate an invasion with a teammate to steal his red and if possible, neglect his blue early on by lurking in the brush making sure not to be seen.

A good way to break this team would be (as said by b3astliness) a silence and position distortion team. Cho'Gath, Urgot and Kassadin, for example, can easily force a shutdown by using the silence from Feral Scream and Null Sphere. Kassadin and Urgot can simply use their ultis to get away and thus, make a very potent comeback from a teamfight.

Thanks for the idea!

If possible, I'd like a way to improve it (I'm currently planning on compositions for my ranked team, so yeah I need to know what do you guys think :P). Feel free to post on the comments and help me out!

by Nerun