
Hello guys! Welcome to another iteration of my tier lists. As you may have noticed, I've missed the Zyra patch. I was on vacation for a week so I didn't have time to do it. These lists will include changes from the Zyra and Diana patch.

About the tier lists

These tier lists are my personal opinion. I've made them by watching high elo and tournament games and, of course, by playing games myself. They might change a lot, depending on patches or new experiences. Feel free to tell me if you think something isn't right and I'll have a closer look at it. The tier lists take every part of a champion into consideration and are fit for high-elo and competitive games. Explanations will follow as I get feedback or change things.

If you disagree with anything on the lists, tell me in the form of a comment. If you give me a good justification, I will consider making changes. I know these tier lists aren't anywhere near perfect (no tier list can be perfect though), and I will make changes each patch as long as I have time.

Tier 1: These are the strongest champions. They are picked or banned most of the time in competitive matches. They provide different abilities and strengths to help the team. They have few weaknesses and are hard to counter.

Tier 2: Still very strong champions, but with generally more weaknesses. They are picked a lot and are pretty much as good as tier 1 in most cases. They're just a bit easier to counter.

Tier 3: Completely viable picks. Some are safe picks but bring less to the team, some can bring much to the team but can be countered.

Tier 4: The situational picks. They can be used as counterpicks if you know who your up against. You don't see them that often though. Most of the time they aren't great.

Tier 5: Champions that still fit their role, but are not a good pick most of the time. They are underpowered compared to the higher tiers and can be countered easily at high skill levels. They can be strong at lower levels though.

Tier lists

AP carry
Factors: lategame, poke, sustain, counters, damage, damage type (AoE/single-target, burst/sustained...), survivability, CC, utility.
  • Tier 1: Kennen, Cassiopeia, Morgana, Anivia, Ryze, Galio, Ahri, Karthus
  • Tier 2: Vladimir, Mordekaiser, Kassadin, Lux, Brand, Annie, Veigar, LeBlanc, Kog’Maw
  • Tier 3: Twisted Fate, Gragas, Diana, Swain, Malzahar, Fizz, Viktor, Xerath, Ziggs, Lulu
  • Tier 4: Orianna, Katarina, Soraka, Zilean, Fiddlesticks, Sion
  • Tier 5: Tristana, Maokai, Nidalee, Nunu, Janna, Heimerdinger
  • Diana added to tier 3: I haven't been able to play her mid that much but I think she has potetial. She might move when I get to play her more.
  • Malzahar moved up in tier 3: Not really because of his recent buffs. It's just that I've seen him more because of his buffs, and he's stronger than I previously thought.
  • Katarina moved up to tier 4: She is a decent mid and I had her too low.
  • Zilean moved up to tier 4: He is pretty viable and he is stronger than the champions he was below in my opinion.
  • Tristana moved down to tier 5: She can be strong, but it's a really situational pick and she can be shut down by a good counter pick.
  • Maokai moved down to tier 5: Same as Tristana, but even more situational.

AD carry
Factors: lategame, laning, damage, damage type, CC, utility.
  • Tier 1: Kog’Maw, Vayne, Corki
  • Tier 2: Ashe, Graves, Tristana, Caitlyn
  • Tier 3: Urgot, Sivir, Ezreal, Draven
  • Tier 4: Jayce, Kennen, Varus
  • Tier 5: Miss Fortune, Teemo
  • Corki moved up to tier 1: I've seen and played him more and I think he belongs in tier 1 at the moment.
  • Tristana moved down to tier 2: She's good, but I think I had her too high.
  • Urgot moved down to tier 3: He has been nerfed way too hard. I think he is almost unplayable right now and he might move down further. I'm just wondering when Riot is going to revert the changes to his range.
  • Jayce moved up in tier 4: I've tried playing him as an AD carry a bit more and he is stronger than I thought.

Factors: lategame, sustain, poke, burst, utility, CC, survivability.
  • Tier 1: Janna, Taric, Soraka, Alistar
  • Tier 2: Leona, Nunu, Blitzcrank
  • Tier 3: Sona, Shen, Lulu, Lux
  • Tier 4: Karma, Galio, Morgana, Orianna
  • Tier 5: Zilean, Nidalee, Fiddlesticks
  • Lulu moved down to tier 3: You hardly see her anymore after her nerfs. She can still be good but I don't think she's that strong anymore.

Factors: lategame, jungle speed, ganking, invading, protecting, sustain, vulnerabilities, type (bruiser, tank, supportive...).
  • Tier 1: Lee Sin, Dr Mundo, Skarner, Udyr, Nocturne, Maokai, Nautilus, Trundle
  • Tier 2: Jarvan IV, Shyvana, Cho’Gath, Hecarim, Sejuani, Rammus, Amumu, Nunu, Alistar
  • Tier 3: Volibear, Jayce, Jax, Malphite, Diana, Shaco, Warwick, Fizz, Gangplank, Xin Zhao, Wukong
  • Tier 4: Fiddlesticks, Tryndamere, Master Yi, Renekton, Pantheon, Twitch, Olaf, Riven
  • Tier 5: Evelynn, Sion, Leona, Blitzcrank, Fiora, Kayle, Talon, Singed, Garen
  • Diana added to tier 3: She can be a good jungler. She never gets low on health but mana is a problem. Her ganks aren't great before level 6, but after that they get better.
  • Nunu moved up to tier 2: I've played him a couple of times and I think he is a great jungler. He shines at counter-jungling and his ganks are pretty good.
  • Alistar moved up to tier 2: Amazing ganks and really good late-game support/tank.
  • Malphite moved up in tier 3: He suddenly became really popular, which made me realize he is stronger than I thought.
  • Xin Zhao moved up to tier 3: His rework made him much stronger in my opinion. His early ganks can snowball a lane really well.
  • Master Yi moved down to tier 4: He's just... not that great.
  • Evelynn moved up in tier 5: She has become better because of her rework in my opinion, but she's still not amazing.

Factors: lategame, sustain, damage, dualing, CC, type (bruiser, tank, mage...).
  • Tier 1: Kennen, Olaf, Shen, Lee Sin, Irelia, Riven, Yorick, Vladimir, Gangplank, Warwick, Singed
  • Tier 2: Renekton, Jax, Nidalee, Sion, Rumble, Nasus, Trundle, Fiora, Wukong, Cho’Gath, Mordekaiser, Teemo
  • Tier 3: Jayce, Malphite, Jarvan IV, Tryndamere, Xin Zhao, Talon, Shyvana, Pantheon, Galio, Kayle
  • Tier 4: Garen, Poppy, Nocturne, Urgot, Hecarim, Akali, Amumu, Maokai, Nautilus
  • Tier 5: Master Yi, Blitzcrank, Fizz, Katarina, Volibear, Skarner, Nunu
  • Vladimir moved up to tier 1: He's a great solotop mage and should be in tier 1.
  • Gangplank moved down in tier 1: I think he is less strong than the ones he was above.
  • Renekton moved up in tier 2: Had him a bit too low.
  • Jax moved up in tier 2: He can be a beast and should be higher. I might move him up more.
  • Rumble moved up to tier 2: He can be a terror when played well and I had him too low in the list.
  • Malphite moved up in tier 3: A really strong tank and a great counter to many solotops. He might move up more.
  • Tryndamere moved down to tier 3: He can become really strong but is weak in lane. Also very vulnerable to counter-picks.
  • Pantheon moved up to tier 3: I had him too low, making it look like he was a bad solotop, which he isn't.
  • Garen moved up in tier 4: I'm not really sure where he belongs yet but I think he was too low.
  • Urgot moved down to tier 4: His nerfs hurt him bad.