
Hello people! A new update for my tier lists here updated for the latest patch, including the new ARAM map The Proving Grounds. There are some pretty big changes because I got a lot of feedack on my last post.

About the tier lists

These tier lists are my personal opinion. I've made them by watching high elo and tournament games and, of course, by playing games myself. They might change a lot, depending on patches or new experiences. Feel free to tell me if you think something isn't right and I'll have a closer look at it. The tier lists take every part of a champion into consideration and are fit for high-elo and competitive games. Explanations will follow as I get feedback or change things.

Tier 1: These are the strongest champions. They are picked or banned most of the time in competitive matches. They provide different abilities and strengths to help the team. They have few weaknesses and are hard to counter.

Tier 2: Still very strong champions, but with generally more weaknesses. They are picked a lot and are pretty much as good as tier 1 in most cases. They're just a bit easier to counter.

Tier 3: Completely viable picks. Some are safe picks but bring less to the team, some can bring much to the team but can be countered.

Tier 4: The situational picks. They can be used as counterpicks if you know who your up against. You don't see them that often though. Most of the time they aren't great.

Tier 5: Champions that still fit their role, but are not a good pick most of the time. They are underpowered compared to the higher tiers and can be countered easily at high skill levels. They can be strong at lower levels though.

Tier lists

AP carry
Factors: lategame, poke, sustain, counters, damage, damage type (AoE/single-target, burst/sustained...), survivability, CC, utility.
  • Tier 1: Kennen, Cassiopeia, Morgana, Anivia, Galio, Karthus, Ryze, Ahri
  • Tier 2: Vladimir, Mordekaiser, Kassadin, Brand, Annie, Veigar, LeBlanc, Kog’Maw
  • Tier 3: Gragas, Lux, Fizz, Lulu, Viktor, Malzahar, Swain, Xerath, Ziggs, Soraka
  • Tier 4: Twisted Fate, Orianna, Maokai, Fiddlesticks, Sion, Tristana
  • Tier 5: Katarina, Nidalee, Zilean, Nunu, Janna, Heimerdinger
  • Kog’Maw moved up to tier 2: I saw Froggen play him at the MLG Spring Championship and holy **** it is brutal. The damage and range is just insane.
  • Malzahar moved down to tier 3: He is just very difficult to play well in competitive games. I mean, his ult surpresses himself, which is just not useful often. His laning is very strong though so he’s still a good pick.
  • Ziggs moved down in tier 3: Just moved him down a bit because I think he was less strong than some other champions he was above.

AD carry
Factors: lategame, laning, damage, damage type, CC, utility.
  • Tier 1: Kog’Maw, Urgot, Vayne, Tristana
  • Tier 2: Corki, Ashe, Graves, Caitlyn
  • Tier 3: Kennen, Varus, Sivir
  • Tier 4: Ezreal, Draven
  • Tier 5: Miss Fortune, Teemo
  • Lulu and Twitch removed: They are just troll picks as AD carries and shouldn’t be even in tier 5. Others were moved accordingly.
  • Urgot placed in tier 1: I have no idea why I forgot to add him to this list. He is currently one of the best AD carries and is picked or banned 90% of the time in tournaments.
  • Ezreal moved down to tier 4: His laning is good but late-game he has low damage. Also he has no CC.

Factors: lategame, sustain, poke, burst, utility, CC, survivability.
  • Tier 1: Janna, Taric, Alistar, Soraka
  • Tier 2: Leona, Nunu, Lulu, Sona
  • Tier 3: Blitzcrank, Shen, Lux
  • Tier 4: Karma, Galio, Morgana, Orianna
  • Tier 5: Zilean, Nidalee, Fiddlesticks
  • Leona moved down to tier 2: She is great in lane and turns into a very good tank, but she doesn’t provide any direct protection or sustain to her AD carry.
  • Soraka moved up to tier 1: Her laning is great and she could take the spot in tier 1 because of Leona moving down.
  • Nidalee moved down in tier 5: I think Zilean is a better support.

Factors: lategame, jungle speed, ganking, invading, protecting, sustain, vulnerabilities, type (bruiser, tank, supportive...).
  • Tier 1: Lee Sin, Dr Mundo, Skarner, Udyr, Nocturne, Maokai, Nautilus, Trundle
  • Tier 2: Jarvan IV, Shyvana, Cho’Gath, Shaco, Hecarim, Sejuani, Warwick, Amumu
  • Tier 3: Volibear, Rammus, Jax, Alistar, Fizz, Gangplank, Wukong, Malphite, Master Yi
  • Tier 4: Fiddlesticks, Xin Zhao, Tryndamere, Nunu, Renekton, Pantheon, Twitch, Olaf, Riven
  • Tier 5: Sion, Leona, Blitzcrank, Fiora, Kayle, Talon, Singed, Garen, Evelynn
  • Xin Zhao moved down to tier 4: I had him way too high, probably because my team got wrecked some times by him in ranked games. But hey, they were just a bunch of solo-queue feeders anyway.

Factors: lategame, sustain, damage, dualing, CC, type (bruiser, tank, mage...).
  • Tier 1: Shen, Kennen, Olaf, Gangplank, Lee Sin, Irelia, Riven, Yorick, Warwick, Singed
  • Tier 2: Nidalee, Vladimir, Sion, Renekton, Nasus, Trundle, Fiora, Wukong, Cho’Gath, Jax, Mordekaiser, Tryndamere
  • Tier 3: Teemo, Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao, Malphite, Talon, Rumble, Shyvana, Galio, Kayle, Urgot, Dr Mundo
  • Tier 4: Poppy, Pantheon, Nocturne, Garen, Hecarim, Akali, Amumu, Maokai, Nautilus
  • Tier 5: Master Yi, Blitzcrank, Fizz, Katarina, Volibear, Skarner, Nunu
  • Warwick moved up to tier 1: Great sustain, dueling and ult. He should be tier 1.
  • Nasus moved down to tier 2: His lategame is amazing but he is very vulnerable to counterpicks and losing CS hurts him really bad.
  • Sion moved down to tier 2: He can turn into a beast and 1v5 your team when he gets fed but this just isn’t a very realistic scenario. He is still good and has a lot of utility though.