Xerath - finally saw some good xeraths, and his damage is insane.

Olaf - ask Duff.

Shaco - Still not tier 1 at this elo, but there are some good shacos out there.

Wukong - whatever riot did in that patch, really made wukong good. He is like Lee sin with an AMAZING ULT. That ult is a gamechanger. No joke. His Q is finally good, like it was originally supposed to be, and his stealth isn't ******ed anymore.

Skarner - After the buffs, hes basically Udyr's twin.

Nasus - overestimated him. Still good, but there are a lot of counters to him.

Akali - nerfs REALLY hurt her. We will see how she does with the changes.

Ryze - I just don't see the danger from a ryze. He is pretty much the same whether he is fed or not. Feels similar to vlad right now... he just doesn't do enough until late late game, but at that point everyone has MR already.

Pantheon - just... idk. meh.

Twitch - I literally saw a twitch sit at his tower and aa a tryn for 10 seconds straight, and the tryn lost about 200 health. No joke. Thats how weak twitch is. Maybe the tryn was a bit fed, but he wasnt building any armor. Twitch is easily the weakest champ in the game right now.

Fizz - I REALLY like this little ****. He has what could possibly be the most original skill in LoL atm... (although it did come from an idea in DotA.. sorta) he has serious mobility, his damage is really good, and his ult is incredible. I personally think this guy will be a sort of new akali, except slightly more balanced. (No more infinite gap closers Riot? wtf mate?)

Pick him up. He's worth the 6.3k