I am feeling like sharing my opinions on who might need a slight/moderate nerf/buff. TOPIC #1: Garen I feel that Garen is a bit too strong as of now. Whenever I play him solo queue top I stomp (I love playing Garen btw). Whenever I face him in solo queue top I get stomped. He is too much of a lane bully and his counter, poke, has a very mediocre effect on him. Change suggestion #1: nerf his passive's CD. It should probably be somewhere near 12 seconds (instead of 9). Change suggestion #2: nerf his q silence time down to 2 seconds (from 2.5). Then I would feel better about playing a "counter" to Garen. TOPIC #2: Thresh Now, on a completely different note, I feel like Thresh is a bit weak compared to other champs like him (aggressive support/bruiser). His ult has a WAY, WAY, WAY too long CD. Seriously wtf melee champs just go like "Oh ders a cage here. Better stay in it." It needs to A: Have an effect on whoever is inside it or have a MUCH lower CD such as: 110/95/80 (down from 150/140/130). Also his q SHOULD NOT HAVE A ******** F***ING WIND-UP. No more wind-up on his q for sure. Tell me what you think of these chage ideas.