After SKT1 lost their first game to KTB's Corki pick, they banned him in all 3 subsequent games and came out with a 3-1 score, securing their spot in the Season 3 World Championships. As it turns out, they will play TSM in the group stage. Faker stated that he will not ban Zed against TSM because he's interested in seeing Reginald's sheer intelligence and skill. I think we all know how that's going to turn out...

Some other things to note with S3 worlds:
  • Many all-stars players will not be going to worlds; Doublelift, Saintvicious, scarra, Yellowpete, Edward, as well as every single all-star representative from Korea, SEA, and China except for PraY from NaJin Sword.
  • TwoThree of the quarterfinals spots are occupied by what are generally interpreted as some of the weakest top teams from the associated region, Gamania Bears, NaJin Black Sword, and Royal Club. WTF?
  • Gambit, Fnatic, and Vulcun are very unlikely to make it past groups unless they upset Mineski, due to being placed in the same group stage as Samsung Galaxy Ozone (former MVP Ozone). Similarly, TSM is basically screwed due to having to beat SKT1, Lemondogs, as well as OMG.
  • Unfortunately, this means you probably won't see any of the Season 2 fan favorites in the quarterfinals. Time for me to cheer for SKT1 and C9 at worlds, it seems.