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MOBAFire's second Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆

Summoner Info

skRose (Unverified)
Lux, Karthus, Wukong
Caster DPS, Ranged DPS, Support


Hi guys! I'm skRose, a player brought to this game from the relative start of season 2 in League of Legends.
I joined as a sort of casual player, playing bots not knowing much and graduating to playing 5's in normals with a full premade of friends. Played all sorts of strange, weird, unorthadox and very terribly might I add (mechanic-wise anyway. Won a good sum of those games).

A friend of mine from Mabinogi had actually helped me along. I started out with the s2's freeweek champions which consisted of the very base 450 and iconic champions of League back in the day, like Ashe, Annie, Nunu, Ryze, Sivir ... but the one that caught my attention was Master Yi.

As most nublets of their days, I'd find myself averaging a super wonderful KDA of 1/12/4 - most deaths I've ever hit would be limited to 15 in the worst case scenario. I was bad. I knew I was bad. Then I started looking into other champions. Champions that I could buy with that failure earned IP from those feeding games. I was like, "there must be a way to stop myself from dying so much" - solution? Tryndamere. I looked at his ult. 5 seconds of manliness (of course, meaning he could like for 5 seconds more pretty much before dying. Go in man mode and what not) there was that and the fact that he had a big fking sword. As an MMO player, BIG *** Fking SWORD = power. With that I was sold.

Of course I still fed. That was a given. Just not as much.
Then my online friend I met through an MMO called Mabinogi had recommended me a different champion. He was like "Yeah, you like to go in a lot, right? I think this guy would be the perfect fit for you." What champion was that might you ask? It was Wukong. I think he was still kind of new at the time. Anyway, by that point I found myself hooked on this Monkey King. He gave me everything I needed to pick up on the game a whole lot more quicker. Hard scaling in his skills that did hard damage with stupid items, great initiate and a cute little escape where when I needed to get out I surely was able without a problem.

I grew to love Wukong and I still do. I own all his skins except the volcanic Wukong. I've beaten every counter and learned all the little tricks and tactics you could ever imagine this monkey could ever find himself in.

It was at this point where I met my friend and partner (youtube aye ohh) Jordan whom through him I'd find myself involved in all sorts of gaming antics. We formed a little league group and started premade 5's with the little group of friends we had made. I started coming out of my solitary shell and was able to really speak out through voicechat programs like Skype. I think at this point Graves was just coming out and they were nerfing his buckshot or some **** like that. Anyway ~

I was really hooked on Wukong. I'd always go Wukong. Didn't matter where. I'd go Wukong and a friend of mine would go Teemo. Another friend of mine went Rammus a lot (back then Rammus was super strong. He moved onto Jungling later), my brother found his main which I remember him when joining fed balls to the wall crazy with Anivia - but now he's prob best Anivia NA and Jordan I think picked up adc and still mains it these days.

There was this one game changing match where it really changed how I played. I was so used to duo-laning and this one match really got me accustomed to going where Wukong's true calling was. That was toplane. I think that match we had some jungle or dc and I was forced to solo-lane. I remember being scared ****less. Man back then League pvp was super stressful. Well, more nerve-wracking. The concept of having to fight against another living being for something called 'Victory'? Damn. Anyway, I held my own super well, get fed and from there I'd always want to go solo-top

until that one faithful day

that day was the day we all hit 20ish or so. And on that day we were like "We need to learn the Meta."
We all got into our own roles.
Jordan went adc, as usual - this time botlane
my friend who had religiously played Teemo had moved onto Riven, My brother was an acclaimed Anivia player and we had a friend who Jungled and learned League through that and that alone pretty much.

I was assigned to support.
It was a weird concept at me. A role that had to 'support'. Didn't really get it, but that's where my true maining began.

I bought Soraka. I learned her inside out. Of course since the concept of support was weird I didn't exactly know how to support.
I pretty much played AP raka botlane.
Believe it or not that was the ISH. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. Speaking of which, always take level 1 starcall. ALWAYS. Her level 1 teamfight is so fking strong. Invades are her specialty. This is my speaking from maining support, soon to be Diamond V. Do it.
Anyway, I'd do AP raka botlane, loved taking her mid - whenever we got ganked from enemy jungle it was the easiest triple kill you had ever seen in your life. Free double buff, free kill, free minions, free turret, free game. That was the life.

A Gold player at the time had wanted to play with us. Still, us being unranked and me not knowing much did eh. Played AP raka botlane. Thing is, I never really bought wards, gp5's. As I said, AP raka. It wasn't proper.

Anyway, we hit 30 (and yes, pretty much played straight Raka from level 20 to 30, all wins all losses. Raka.)
Made a ranked team with the friends and got like 1300 elo with the team despite how bad we were at the time. I still played AP raka, but eventually switched to a true to heart support raka. Learned to ward and whatnot.

I tried to pick up Sona, but I really didn't understand how she worked at the time. Nerf after Nerf...and me who has a high win rate with Sona really does wonder how fking strong she was before all of that *sigh*

Anyway, that Gold player, remember him? Yeah. He had a ranked Team all of them with the prefix of 'Drake'. So we called them the Drakes. We, my friends and I thought we were pretty good. They challenged us and we accepted. Got our ***es handed to us - me as AP raka with some sort of adc vs a Graves Leona.

Guess what I mained next?

Man it was super different. It really let my aggression flow through. She is THE CC Queen. Loved her. For the next 200 or so games I pretty much just mained Leona.

Anyway, suffice to say, through all of that I learned how to support. I moved from top lane to support. Learned the ins and the outs. The aggression, openings timings and all sorts of things. Warding was a big thing too.

Anyway, lots of things happened.

Now at this point were looking at a time nearing the end of s2. A time where 'elo' was still a thing. I had given up on solo-queue ranked a long time prior but now with the rewards coming out and that Victorious Janna skin and borders? Damn you sure as hell wanted that ish. I tried to accomplish this feat of skill. To my prevail I hadn't gotten all that far.

At this time I was frustrated with all that ****ty *** adc's out there that I HAD to fking support. ****ty *** ***** ***...
thinking 'hey, I can do that. Maybe even better'.

and so I learned how to ADC

I adc'd learning last hitting with ashe and moved on to Miss Fortune whom I had bought in some sort of bundle package back in the day. Miss Fortune became my main love as an ADC (This was FAR before she was all hyped up. Man those were the days) She was my go to girl with Caitlyn falling in for second. I also picked up on Sona and holy **** she was strong af.

In the end I ended up with an ELO of 1451. Barely getting in to Silver I when the s3 patch kicked in.
For some time I tried to climb, and went back and fourth then a large drop of a losing streak.

Then after life picked up and dropped off again I got back to it. Got Gold, Climbed, Got Plat, and now I'm striving for Diamond before s3 ends. All in between this I've learned a great sum of champions, roles, ins and outs but yeah - that's my story.

I stay true to my love for top lane, my master support mechanics, my okay adc mechanics which is a godsent blessing that let my carry myself out of that trash tier holy****thoseadc'swereso****box, and being forced into jungle multiple times in Plat I grew to love that ******** pony Hecarim who is super bloody ******** and I love him so much because at one point I had a lovely 93% win rate with him <3...fking jungle and lastly my love for mid lane which is a game changer at just about all points in the game. Roaming to Gank, Buff stealing, Invading, Aggressive warding, Karthus Ulting eryday, Lux ults in teamfights *sigh* good times.

Anyway, Yeah. My story. Ahahahah, good ish.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide