So ive seen a lot of discusion about Ryze and the patch changes. Ive tried to break down the spell ratios as simply as I could. Hopefull this will help some you out there to figure out what this means for Ryze and how to build him best.

(I have only listed the specs that used to be here not all of the spells ratios)
  • Overload = 20% ap ratio = 20 damage per 100 ap and 7.5% manna ratio = 75 damage per 1000 manna.
  • Rune Prison = 5% manna ratio = 50 damage per 1000 manna
  • Spell Flux = had no manna ratio = 0 damage per 1000 manna


for every 100 ap
for every 1000 manna
In summery:
What you have is 20 more damage form AP and 10 less damage from manna in Overload, 5 less damage from manna in Rune Prison and 10 more damage from manna in Spell Flux resulting in a roughly 15 more damage overall from the 3 spells. this means manna scales better in Overload (assuming you can build 100 ap as easily as you can build 1000 manna) but AP is better in Rune Prison and Spell Flux.

What this means is you no longer need to build Banshee's Vail and Frozen Heart you can take 1 or the other (depending on what you need more) and build something else AP. The pure manna/ubertanky build is still viable but if you can balance out you AP and manna items you can get a higher damaging build. Zhonya's Hourglass would be a good item to get now.

note: I think it is cheaper to get 100 ap from items then to get 1000 manna from items. So my suggestion would be items that have manna and AP with 1 non-ap item besides you boots for the manna.

I hope I made this clear, If anyone noticed anything I have missed let me know and I will try and update the blog post.

good luck and have fun out there