I just tried Jax after his remake and I have to say, he has crazy damage, but about zero survivability.

IMO, he should be build AP, the scalings on his W and R are absolutely insane. Also, since it's easier to get AP than it is to get AD, you get more benefits from his ult. It boosts 20% of both your bonus AP and AD, with a flat amount. If you have 500 ap, that's an extra 100 + flat amount.

Lich Bane, Empower, and the third hit on Master-At-Arms is a huge nuke. Incredibly horrendous, even with 400 AP this would hit for about 1000 raw damage, and it happens every 2 seconds.

Because the stun on Counter Strike doesn't scale with ranks, it's best to leave it at 1 most of the time. Also, because of the dodge and stun component, it's somewhat ok to not build Armor if there's no AD bursts on the other team, like Talon.

Any thoughts?