Hey there, this is my first real blog entry on Mobafire and I just wanted to use it to talk about whats been occupying me recently.

First off you may (or may not) have noticed that I've been a bit absent from the website for a little while. This was mostly due to my Computer-studies exams that I had to take at the end of May. Since I spent the last two weeks cramming for the exams, I didn't really have the time for web surfing and what have you.

Secondly, on a more relevant note, my ap Gangplank guides been featured in Gott der 7 Meere's encyclopaedia of champion builds. The encyclopaedia's really helpful and Id recommend reading it if your interested in making a guide or just wanna see some cool champion builds (link here). I was pretty happy to see my guide get mentioned, but seeing that yellow 59% beside it made me wish it was better (guess I got away's to go xD)

Finally I've been taking a look at writing a jungle Zyra guide. Noticed a couple of videos where she was played jungle in season 2 and decided to give her a go. I found her to actually be pretty good, so right now I'm experimenting with builds and stuff to find out what the optimum playstyle would be. If you've got any advice on that, Ive made a theory craft forum right here.

That's it for now, thanks for reading :)