Sup, I'm back. I've been smurfing and building a youtube channel with the help of a moba-member. Also, lots of work. Anyways, some developments, I'm currently sitting at approximately 1950 elo. Since elo doesn't matter anymore, I'm going to have some fun and go for 2300, or 2200, whatever diamond is now-a-days. I'm going to be playing the champs I want to play, not what I think will win me the game. That includes ap karma and ap tristana, so we'll see what's going on.

I beat imaqtpie in lane. Not a big deal, just the 1st celebrity I beat in lane. I beat HSGG years ago, but have no proof. (He was trying ap kog mid the day it came out)

Anyways, questions or comments, leave them below. Keep an eye on competitive scene for my elo climb thread. Peace.