Sorry this is delayed, I haven't been playing that much and I should update since I've let the last patch settle down (ken/jayce nerfs)

Not much has really changed, but the list should be at least once a month...Don't ***** at me for not changing much. Kennen is still a very dominant lane bully, but the nerf was significant and the tier list reflects it.

Tier 1: Lee Sin, Zac, Elise(^^)
Tier 2: Hecarim, Nautilus, Jarvan IV, Sejuani, Evelynn, Nunu & Willump(v)
Tier 3: Udyr, Nocturne, Amumu, Trundle, Nasus, Xin Zhao, Volibear
Tier 4: Kha'Zix, Shen, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Pantheon, Skarner, Warwick, Jax, Maokai, Zed, Vi, Rammus, Cho'Gath(v), Malphite)^)
Tier 5: Rengar, Master Yi, Shyvana, Kayle(v), Olaf(v)

Tier 1: Rumble, Shen, Elise, Renekton
Tier 2: Lee Sin, Jax, Teemo, Singed, Vladimir, Zed, Cho'Gath, Zac, Riven, Kennen(vv), Rengar(^^), Malphite(^), Nidalee(^), Jayce(v), Tryndamere(AD)(^),
Tier 3: Darius, Kha'Zix, Wukong, Fizz, Olaf, Yorick, Trundle, Nasus, Garen, Kayle, Irelia, Aatrox(*)
Tier 4: Volibear, Jarvan IV, Akali, Nidalee(AP), Xin Zhao, Pantheon(^)
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Poppy, Gangplank, Vi, Tryndamere(AP)(vv), Katarina(v)

Tier 1: Anivia, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Diana, Fizz, Lissandra, Ahri(^)
Tier 2: Cassiopeia, Orianna, Nidalee, Jayce, Zed, Swain, Syndra, Pantheon, Morgana, Kassadin, Kennen, LeBlanc, Lux, Kha'Zix(v), Karthus(^)
Tier 3: Annie, Veigar, Zyra, Master Yi, Vladimir, Ziggs, Kayle, Xerath, Evelynn, Akali, Rumble, Cho'Gath, Gragas(v), Katarina(v)
Tier 4: Brand, Galio, Talon, Mordekaiser, Sion, Fiddlesticks, Malzahar

Don't bother: Heimerdinger, Teemo, Viktor, Elise, Karma, Zilean

Very hesitant to put Ahri in T1, but with the recent lcs's, she's a high priority pick with lots of utility. Maybe she's T1, maybe T2, but if played well she is a T1 for sure. Charm has always been a ridiculous engage tool for a mage to have.

Tier 1: Caitlyn, Varus, Vayne(^^)
Tier 2: Miss Fortune, Quinn, Ezreal*, Draven(v)
Tier 3: Twitch, Corki(^^) Graves, Ashe, Tristana,
Tier 4: Sivir, Kog'Maw
Don't bother: Urgot, Kennen

This matters a lot on what support you have, * Ezreal is now blue build ezreal, there is no longer a distinction. Corki may continue to climb if he is played a bit more. Draven nerfs really helped Vayne, as well as she's just always played, so...I think her laning phase is poor, but she has some of the highest dps and mobility (with bork) of all adcs, if not the highest.

Thresh Tier: Thresh
Tier 1: Blitzcrank, Janna, Sona, Lulu, Nami(^)
Tier 2: Leona, Zyra, Elise(v)
Tier 3: Lux, Soraka, Kayle, Taric(v), Fiddlesticks(*)
Tier 4: Nunu & Willump, Nidalee, Alistar

Don't bother: Karma, Zilean

Forgot fiddle -_____-

7/29 added aatrox, adjusted elise up nunu down in jungle per c4 lasty, nunu nerfs hurt him more than I thought