Hey all! It was time for me to create an account to Mobafire, which is something I've been wanting to do for ages now. However, I've been reading both blogs and guides in this very site regularly and decided to donate my forest of thoughts to this community.

Trundle has been an interesting champion tickling my mind for a while now. I bought him (you don't mind me referring him as "he" do you?) almost immediately when he was first released millions of years ago. In my opinion he was one of the funniest champions to play at the time in par with Maokai and I still do find him delicious to play.

After quitting regular ranked farming at 1550-ish ELO due to constant stress of having sane and fairly competent team mates and also due to a lack of the things mentioned earlier. I played rankeds for the fact I got my rating there. It intrigued me and got me something to sacrifice my thoughts to which was something I wasn't gotten used to earlier. In large amounts. After quitting those nasty ranked games in serious way I began to play more normals, usually with a friend of mine to have someone to play with. Having played a few Trundle games in that mid 1500 ELO, I knew he was capable of doing serious harm to anyone who wanted to counter-troll him.

After playing something like 20 games of trundle, I noticed my match history looked fairly awesome. Every game was won, and on nearly every of the games I've played I had the KD-ratio of over 2, deaths varying from zero to four and still having tons of assist. Every now and then, every man needs to be proud of himself and probably elaborate his feelings to other guys staring stunned of amazement. Off-topic, here in Finland no one does this in fear of being mashed by everyone, which sucks in a large extent. Nonetheless, I need to say I played in a brilliant way in every game of those while having myself satisfied of fun.

Being sort of an elitist-type person wanting to do everything as well as a man can do, I began to think was there any improvements to do, and if so, how and with what sacrifices. The one thing I noticed was the early ganking before the first recall. Earlier, having started with vampric scepter and clearing the new jungle relatively fast starting off blue. The ganks at lvl 3-4 without any boots were a tad hectic to be fair. I couldn't catch them too easy if they were paying attention and not pushing, and especially ones who started with boots gave me hard time killing them. Luckily, most of time I got enemy to at least use their summoner spells which is something some peepies would consider as a win. However, after a fast recall getting wards, boots and maybe a long sword ganking became super fun and easy. I could've catch anyone with W and boots, not to mention using my ghost. Slowing with pillar and red buff I was able to dominate every lane and the enemy jungler with decent lanes, of course.

Well, I guess I don't need to mention it didn't take me too long to realize the possibilities of starting jungle with Boots + 3 HP potions. Seldom seeing ones to start jungle with boots I was being skeptic of could it really work. TO THE TRAINING CAMP A.K.A CUSTOM GAMES!! Without pull I was able to clear full jungle in approximately time of 3:30 with half of my health left. After that, ganking should cause no stress at all having bad players not to prepare for 450-ish movement speed super fast ganking missiles that early. So I tried a few normal games noticing the awesome success of my researching. With a good pull, I was able to gank before 4min mark rather effectively with full health. And I think so far I'm going to use boots on every game from now on. Furthermore, I'm a tad sure that boot starting strategy is good only on trundle. At least with people getting more skilled in the new jungle it maybe that in few months more people would want to sacrifice their vest, vampric or early philosopher's into a few good ganks early on. And it might be that some gankers with a good charge-typed ability (I'm talking to Maokai now) would benefit from other items more.

That was it. I'm a tad tired and my two dogs are in serious need of needing a walk so I'm not gonna proof-read this as of now. Maybe tomorrow. Next time I may be covering the possibilities of seldom seen phenomenon called solo-top trundle. Maybe. But well, thanks for reading:)

Edit: Yeah, (un)intentionally the first 3 chapters turned out as little pieces of prologue, and I apologize for those who can't have time to have a read and need the TL:DR's.