Hey guys!

Well I am TopAnJungle, because my two main roles are Top and Jungling. And I came here today to post to tell you guys about myself and how this blogging will work. Well the blogging will work like this:

*I will post whenever I fell necessary to do so
*The posts may be short or long (this one will probably be medium length)

Now about me:

*I am at ELO 579, I really messed up when I got to level 30 and I am hoping in the new season to bring it up
*My favorite champion is Fiora
*Check out my Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117406466392909979711/posts/p/pub
*If you want/need to e-mail me: mobafire.topanjungle@gmail.com
*Some of my goals include making guides for: Elise, Fiora, and Trundle: and becoming active in the community!

And now some announcements:

*I got the new Headmistress Fiora skin and LOVE it
*I recently got a lot of RP and bought Fiora, Headmistress Fiora, Trundle, and Elise, and have just enough to buy the up-coming champion Zed :)

Thanks for reading!
