So, the big anime convention is next week (Anime Expo LA) and of course that means one thing: TIME TO GET EVERYTHING TOGETHER FOR COSPLAY (I'm a nerd)! Upon getting to work on things for my cosplay (Godot from Phoenix Wright), I sort of came across a slight situation; I like wigs for cosplays, they're simple and easy to do, but look sort of eh. After looking at a few sites and a few tutorials (Actually, I'm probably just going to have my friend help me out with it) I think that styling my hair instead of wearing a wig might be a bit better. I've never really had experience with styling hair for cosplay primarily because anime characters have the most WHACKIEST AND WILD HAIRSTYLES, but Godot seems rather do-able so I figured I might give it a shot.

Before I do, however, I sort of want to get the crowds input on it all: Do you think a cosplay would look better if a person wore a wig or if they styled their hair? Just assume that the person's hair is long enough/good enough to be styled. So far:

Wig Pros:
  • Easy to style.
  • No messy hair color sprays needed.
  • Convenient.
  • Very fast to get ready for the following day.
  • Easy to swap out to dress in casual attire.

Wig Cons:
  • Very hot to wear (You'll get sweaty super fast!)
  • Looks super artificial and unnatural (Then again, so is most anime)
  • Can be misplaced.
  • Bald spots (if combed a certain way)
  • Ex$pen$ive

Hair color spray pros:
  • You'll never misplace it! (Unless your hair falls off your head)
  • Looks natural and nicer.
  • Is cool! (temperature wise, you won't break out in a sweat for having something on your head!)
  • Super cheap!

Hair color spray cons:
  • It is super water sensitive. (Get sprayed by a mist fan and your hair color will start running!)
  • Your own hair is a pain in the *** to style (for me).
  • You need to style and color your air at the start of every day (unless you don't take a shower. Gross!)
  • If you sweat, you run the risk of making your hair color run! :<

So yeah, after considering all of those, which do you think I should go with? Go with a wig or with hair color spray?