
Your ADC will suck and your jungler and Mid will think that ganking means showing their face in lane after running through a ward that you told them was there, doing a bit of damage, and then stealing all the lane farm before leaving without a kill or summoner blown.

It is okay though because you are there to keep your non-kiting, poor trading, and unable to position properly ADC in the game and even get them ahead.

You will set up picks for your carry and your jungler. You will make sure trades come out in your favor. You will zone the enemy and make them weep if they deign to touch your booger eating, disconnecting, lagging, farce of a carry.

And when it comes time to teamfight, you will CC lock anyone on the enemy team that sticks a toe out sideways. You will ward to make sure you can't be flanked. You will peel. You will shield. You will get your team focused on the carries. And you will keep track of timers because your jungler's sun dial is broke.

And only another support will ever notice that is was you that carried that game.


This is intended as humor. Some carries are a joy to have as laning partners. But I believe you will find that if you go into a game as support with the attitude that you are going to find ways to carry, whether that be with your CC, warding, shot calling, or even your itemization, you will have a lot more success in your games.

As an example of itemization, take a look at our team and their team. They have a heap of magic damage and our team is a bunch of squishies that generally have no MR or very little MR in their builds. I saw that in the load screen and mentally itemized getting a Locket of the Iron Solari immediately after I picked up Zhonya's Hourglass. Later in the game we were losing fights because of the AoE attack damage Sivir was able to put out, so I picked up a Frozen Heart. I daresay we would have lost that game if I hadn't itemized the way I did.

If the game would have gone on longer I would have sold my Frostfang for a Mikael's Blessing to free up at least one person snared by Glacial Prison or an Annie stun.

Support isn't just about babysitting your ADC until they are strong enough to win the game by themselves. You are part of your team's chance of winning in all phases of the game. Make it happen.