This is going to be targeted at Bronze - Silver level players because that is the level of gameplay that I know. These tips are some of the things that I know have made me better.

Read These:

Both of these guides are worth reading in full, however I am going to pull out certain segments that are really crucial to getting better at the game.

This little treatise on resource management is worth its weight in gold.

Resouce Management

This. If you ADC. This. This. This.

Team Fighting

Watch These:

On Trading

These are the abbreviated versions. There is a series of longer videos by unswlolsoc that will take quite a bit of time to watch, but are well worth your time.


I don’t know how many guides I have read on warding, but it is a lot. Learn how to ward. Seriously. You will advance at least a tier in your current division if not more if you learn how to ward well.

This is an example that covers a lot of ideas around warding.


Play all the champions when you can. Better yet, read a guide on that champion and then try them out in a custom game before taking them into a PvP game. You may not find that the champion is to your liking, but having an idea about what their abilities do and the range on those abilities is going to help you when you do face them on the rift. Keep an eye out for information regarding the characters power spikes. The better you know your power spikes and the power spikes of your enemy the better you will get at scripting a plan that you can work toward, which will usually be more effective then randomly going all-in on your lane opponent just because you felt like it.

How about you?:

Is there anything that you’ve read or watched or advice you’ve been given from another player that has really elevated your game play?