Hello world,

as a somewhat new jungle main (I played all-round for two years before maining jungle after I hit platinum) I have been trying to explore all kinds of champions/playstyles and trying to find stuff that would fit me well.

The first thing I had a look at was Meteos' playstyle. I noticed how he was more focussed on farming rather than ganking was because all the enemy teams would make sure to get a lot of ward coverage all around the map. We have all seen how ******ed his farm numbers could get.

Now this is competetive play, and this is far different from my standard low-diamond/high-platinum solo queue games. However, something that his standard in these games is to level 3 gank. After some time top mains started to realize this and started to play carefully around this time, or placed down early wards.

Now the link between these two is how it makes ganking early game harder. Keep in mind that ganking is in fact an investment, and a gamble. You invest time you'd normally spent clearing and farming the jungle in the hope to get a kill or assist in another lane. So, I stopped doing those level 3 ganks and went to farm instead. This could give me a full level advantage if the enemy jungler didn't get anything top! I developed this into a strategy where I only gank when there is a clear possibility for a gank and a likely win in a 2v2 situation.

This strategy interested me to check out Shyvana, probably the best jungler in terms of clearing speed, and I wondered what I could do if I would not (or at least barely) leave the jungle for the complete early game and just farm (and possibly counter jungle a little bit). The result: I managed to get 220 farm in 25 minutes once with a score of 1/0/2.

I managed to get good results with this playstyle over and over again, consistently hitting around 150 cs, sometimes 200 in 25 minutes. (depends on the amount of lane farm)

So, I decided to share my setup, playstyle and other thoughts!

My runes/masteries

First of all, hybrid pen is sooo good on Shyvana. Your W deals magic damage and the double pen from both runes and masteries is really good for this. I use one lifesteal quint because shyvana has rather weak jungle sustain early game. Finally I run two movespeed quints so you'll be a bit harder to kite.

My core build consists of Spirit of the Ancient Golem, Ninja Tabi and Blade of the Ruined King. Blade is in my opinion a really nice item because it helps you to deal with your lack of crowd control (you need to stick on your enemy to deal any damage) - the damage also stacks nicely with your Q.

My jungle route is (bottom side buff) - (top side buff) - (top side jungle camp) and then move down to the bottom side jungle camp, recall, take top side camp and move bot again. I simply repeat process till at least level 6 and then I usually try to force some things (contest enemy buffs if I'm 6 and the enemy is not yet).

I'd like to hear your opinions!