I think it's pretty good to make one of these threads every once in a while on the way I see the game. Things I think should be changed to make the game better. I will say I'm generally pretty happy with the state of the game and I think this has been a pretty balanced pre-season so far. I like a lot of the new changes and with all things considered this is one of the first times I think riot has done a really good job with nothing that was glaringly overpowered/gamebreaking (even Warwick was overhyped).

With that said it's always good to improve on a game so I'm going to list some things I think need to change to make the game better, feel free to let me know what you think in the comment section below.

Alistar reduce the mana cost of his Headbutt and Pulverize. Probably reduce the damage a little bit too. I think Riot's afraid to buff him because he might be seen in top lane, but I think if they tone down his damage and mana costs he could make a return to bot lane as a support.

Ashe needs a complete rework to update her to compete with current ADC's

Azir needs massive nerfs across the board. It was pretty difficult to judge when he first came out because of the amount of bugs he had, but it's pretty clear now he's insanely overtuned and needs nerfs. The activation on Shurima's Legacy is completely unnecessary powercreep. There's no reason it exists or he needs to make a turret, it adds nothing to his gameplay other than making him ridiculously overpowered. The damage needs to be nerfed at the very least, I'd rather see it straight up removed from the game, it's a terrible idea and doesn't need to exist. His soldiers and late game Q damage need to be toned down. His long range harass is pretty absurd at later stages in the game.

Corki he needs his spell damage toned way down, I get thats his identity, but when a corki builds full AD and deals more magic damage than physical there's something very wrong with his kit. Reduce the magic damage on his Q and rockets and he'll be in a good spot. Ezreal is a good example of an ADC that is a mixed attacker but you can still build against. Corki is too overwhelming in both magical and physical damage

Elise needs some buffs. she's been nerfed to heavily. Her early game is decent, but outclassed and her late game is pretty bad. She needs touch ups in a few areas to make up for a year straight of nerfs.

Evelynn similarly to Elise she got heavy nerfs for a long period of time. She needs a few touch-ups to make her strong again; that probably starts with allowing her to clear the jungle without taking massive amounts of damage.

Gangplank needs a pretty large rework. He can be fun to cheese with, but that's about it. His kit is pretty dated and he doesn't really do anything well. I feel like changing his entire kit and making him an ADC would be the best route for him, but I highly doubt Riot would completely change the role of a champion.

Gnar just needs some nerfs. He's annoying in his mini-gnar phase and impossible to play against in his mega- Gnar phase. Giving him less control over his mega-form was a good form of counterplay, it made Gnar high-risk and high-reward. It's too easy to control his mega-form and it's too impossible to deal with

Kalista - this champions mobility is ******ed and so ****ing annoying. It needs to be toned down so much, certainlyT shouldn't be allowed to design champions, he does a terrible job and is pretty much single-handidly responsible to the massive mobility creep in league over the past 3 years just with his champion designs. Cut down the ability to juke literally everything in the game

Maokai - in my opinion Maokai still needs nerfs. I wouldn't mind buffing him elsewhere if his ultimate wasn't so ridiculous. Nerf his ultimate and buff him elsewhere.

Miss Fortune is already pretty strong imo. She has a really strong laning phase and has a good kit, but she was hurt by the fact that BT rush is bad. If they made her passive more reliable and if it didn't break off the stupidest **** she'd probably be pretty good. Just make her passive more usable rather than a quasi- Mobility Boots.

Morgana - nerf Black Shield. Making it a targeted spell-shield that pops after one spell is the direction it needs to go. It's fine if it has a shield component that blocks X damage, but have it also disappear after one spell. If Thresh hooks a Black Shield it's not even broken and can block more spells which is just ******ed. A targeted spell shield that also blocks damage is still insanely strong, but it shouldn't block CC and damage.

Rek'Sai - across the board nerfs. Rek'sai has a weird conundrum where his tunnels are easily broken, but also not easily broken. If he gets a bunch set-up and you get behind on him, he's impossible to play against because of his ultimate, but his tunnels can be underwhelming too. His damage is absurd and it's almost impossible to duel him 1v1. Q needs massive nerfs.

Talon's 99% slow for .25 seconds is the most useless thing in the game, they could remove it and I don't think anyone would notice. Give him back his silence or something useful that lasts longer than 1/4 of a second

Xerath probably needs some minor, slight nerfs. His ultimate's usability is terrible, but the rest of his kit is so dominant. His Q and W in particular are insanely strong, toning those down and buffing his ultimate so that it actually feels strong would be a nice change

Yorick - most people hate yorick because they remember how annoying he was in season 2, but he truly useless now. He does nothing well other than throw himself at you and people don't really care about his ghouls anymore. Having his ghouls be interactive and give you a buff or make you stronger in trades is the direction he needs to go. Right now he's just a giant healthwad that throws 5 gold minions at you

Zac he needs some buffs like Yorick, he's just a wad of health.

These are some changes I think need to be made, let me know what you think