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The Rules of League

Creator: ThePreserver May 6, 2015 6:39am
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ThePreserver's Forum Avatar
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Jan 20th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 6:39am | Report
I'm feeling humorous today, so I thought I'd compile a list of gameplay guidelines you should follow to keep your team winning.
  1. Elo Hell is a real place. It's between No Kill Hell and Killsteal Way.
  2. Do not chase Singed. No Exceptions.
  3. Schrƶdinger's Garen: Garen is both in a bush and not in a bush until facechecked.
  4. Do not chase Shaco. He is a massive time sink. He will juke you even if you block off all exits. He's not in that bush. He didn't just jump over that wall. He's not behind you. Just accept that he's somewhere in hyperspace, take an inevitable dagger to the back, and move on with your lives.
  5. Diana is a better dueler than Fiora.
  6. Fiora is a better dueler than Nocturne.
  7. Nocturne is a better dueler than everyone else.
  8. Jax will out lifesteal you. He will outduel you. He's broken. Deal with it.
  9. You will always lose a mirror lane, except during the week your champion is in free rotation.
  10. Skins get wins.
  11. Ahri will always hit her charm at the worst moments, especially while you are dashing at her.
  12. Dr. Mundo goes where he pleases.
  13. Draven pleases where he goes.
  14. Nasus does what he wants.
  15. You will always buy pinks for Akali. You will either never use them in time, or forget to place them.
  16. Do not let Nasus farm.
  17. Teemo is waiting in stealth next to every champion when you all-in.
  18. Blind is overpowered.
  19. Dodge is overpowered.
  20. Parry is definitely overpowered.
  21. Evelynn will do sustained damage while chasing you.
  22. Yorick is ******edly tanky and has ridiculous sustain.
  23. If Fiora is about to die, she will kill you with her ultimate.
  24. Fizz is always untargetable during any sort of burst damage.
  25. Kassadin will always get away.
  26. Katarina is equipped with a broom and a dustpan. Expect her to clean up every fight.
  27. LeBlanc is the master of jukes.
  28. LeBlanc's sensei was Zed. The student always defeats the teacher.
  29. You cannot blind Lee Sin, he's already blind.
  30. Lee Sin can see you. No exceptions.
  31. If Master Yi is fed, surrender at 20 unless your team has ****tons of CC.
  32. Don't chase Nidalee in a straight line. That spear will hit you. She will turn around and pounce you.
  33. When Nocturne ults, just stand where you are and pray you are not his victim.
  34. It is almost mandatory to say "but i dun liek the dark" when Nocturne ults.
  35. You will not survive that Pantheon drop. No exceptions.
  36. If you are at low health, Pantheon will reach you before you get away.
  37. If you manage to suffer Teemo's global taunt, you will immediately be punished by stepping on a mushroom.
  38. Poppy will **** you up.
  39. Always check that bush while laning with Rengar.
  40. The previous rule is a blatant lie.
  41. Tryndamere's ult is always up. He will always escape with a sliver of health after roflstomping you.
  42. Hecarim is a ponycopter. No exceptions.
  43. Vi will catch you. Do not resist arrest.
  44. Xerath will always miss his first two shots and you will always accidentally run into and be killed by his third shot.
  45. You will always be just within range of Xerath's skillshots.
  46. Xin Zhao will do you, knock you up, then throw you away.
  47. If you are not far out of range of Yasuo's tornado, he will hit you with it while chasing you and you will be Sorye ge ton'd.
  48. Zed will ult you. It will always do sufficient damage. You're screwed. Running will not help.
  49. Blitzcrank will catch up with you. He will pull you. It will always be just the tip.
  50. Aatrox will out lifesteal you.
  51. Darius will dunk you. No exceptions. Get dunked.
  52. Diana is faster than you, unless you are Sanic, Rammus, or Hecarim.
  53. Hecarim is facking sanic and will catch up with you. The same goes for Rammus.
  54. Do not autoattack Rammus. No exceptions.
  55. If gangplank gets fed, he can one-shot you in the most literal way possible.
  56. If you don't get the first dragon, it is always gone or being taken by the enemy team.
  57. If Lee Sin places a ward in your turret, run.
  58. Garen will chase you down, spin2win you, then ult you.
  59. Don't lane with Heimerdinger.
  60. Don't all-in Heimerdinger while he is near his turrets. No exceptions.
  61. Heimerdinger is always near his turrets.
  62. Gragas is the jungle god. Yes, he's fat and drunk, but he's still going to merc you.
  63. Jarvan IV will trap you in the arena everytime you fall for his bait. May the odds be ever in your favor.
  64. Jayce is super bursty. Say goodbye to your health.
  65. Kayle will always become invulnerable when you dive her turret.
  66. Never dive a Lissandra.
  67. Never dive a Morgana.
  68. Mid lane Fiora is a thing. Yes, it will be ridiculously overpowered.
  69. Always rush Luden's Tempest.
  70. Smite is for junglers. This goes both ways, anyone who thinks otherwise is trolling you.
  71. Press D to dance.
  72. With several years of planning, burning down, ulting, juking, and tons of burst, you may be able to do some kind of damage to Malphite.
  73. Everyone takes ****tons of damage from Vayne. No exceptions.
  74. Do not let Nasus farm.
  75. When Olaf yells, haul ***.
  76. When you hear Rek'Sai's scream, stop what you are doing and cower in fear until your ally is slain.
  77. Your support will always disconnect.
  78. Your mid laner will always feed Katarina.
  79. No one calls mia when it's needed and spams it during a false alarm.
  80. You can say "care" all you want, but no one will care.
  81. Rumble has ******ed damage. I'll be at your funeral as long as it's a closed casket.
  82. Sejuani is going to catch you. Get ready to be roflcoptered at the speed of a snail.
  83. Sion's passive will trade.
  84. Volibear's passive will win.
  85. Skarner will escort you where you need to be.
  86. Swain and Fiddlesticks are close friends. Caw Caw **********er.
  87. Taric's gems are outrageous. No exceptions.
  88. Purple Taric is fabulous. No exceptions.
  89. Urgot's ult will always screw you but is useless when you are playing him.
  90. Don't let Udyr stun you.
  91. Udyr will win that duel.
  92. Trundle is overpowered.
  93. Warwick is both within range of his ult and fast enough to catch you. If the ult doesn't kill you, his swipe or his team will.
  94. The real Wukong is always somewhere in hyperspace. Good luck finding him.
  95. You will waste your combo/ignite on the wrong LeBlanc.
  96. Zac's team will kill you while he's using his passive.
  97. Thresh will pull you into his box.
  98. If both a Katarina and a Diana are on the enemy team, prepare your anus.
  99. If Annie Stuns you, open up the store and get ready to buy items.
  100. Going in on Amumu means that he will kill you with his ultimate.
  101. Ezreal will always kill you with glitter.
  102. Cassiopeia will poison you to death.
  103. Always assume that Cho'Gath is hungry.
  104. Janna is the supp god. No exceptions.
  105. If Morgana snares you, you will have plenty of time to go run some errands and come back.
  106. If you have a sliver of health, Karthus will always clean you up with his ultimate.
  107. Kennen is the champ everyone picks to run away from fights.
  108. You are always within range of Kog'Maw. No exceptions.
  109. Lux will stun-bomb you and leave you with just enough health for her to fire her laz0r.
  110. Nami is a fishy. No exceptions.
  111. You will never catch that low health Soraka.
  112. Twisted Fate is always within range. He always has a gold card. Run.
  113. Vel'Koz reigns supreme against melee laners.
  114. You can't killean the Zilean.
  115. Expect Shen to be watching. Expect Shen to teleport.
  116. Never waste Caitlyn's ult on Yasuo.
  117. The moon > the sun. Diana > Leona. No exceptions.
  118. Keep thinking that you'll win against Vladimir. Yeah, that'll happen.
  119. Every champion is broken. No exceptions.
  120. Don't chase.
  121. Do not chase.
  122. If there is a Shaco, no fight is a 1v1.
  123. Diana's ultimate has the greatest range. She will catch up with you. You will be merced while recalling.
  124. Teemo's name is pronounced "Sah-teen".
  125. Shaco's name is pronounced "Shay-co". "Shacuuu" is acceptable.
  126. Nasus is Susan.
  127. Fiora is baguette.
  128. It is mandatory to say "bwoop" when you use Shaco's Deceive.
  129. i Blitzcrank has a longer range than regular Blitzcrank.
  130. Don't stand in Karthus's Defile.
  131. Karthus's Lay Waste is impossible to hit.
  132. Ashe's ult is a homing missile and has a deceptively large hitbox, unless you are playing her, then it always misses by 3 units.
  133. Ezreal's ult will always kill you when you are about to win a duel.
  134. Your first red belongs to Shaco. Accept defeat and move on.
Jimmydoggga 2.0
Jimmydoggga 2.0's Forum Avatar
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 7:07am | Report

iblitzcrank is slower than normal Blitzcrank. He is also smaller and completely incompatible with EVERYTHING.

Bard Rules.

Do not stand near your teammates.
Do not stand faraway from your teammates.
If you see him place a Magical Journey you must enter it unless you roll a 20.
Do not stand in front of his Magical Journey
In fact if he places a Magical Journey ****ING RUN.

Basically MOBAFire.
ThePreserver's Forum Avatar
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Jan 20th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 7:29am | Report
Chasing Bard into a Magical Journey has an 80% chance of being a 4v1 bait.
observ3r's Forum Avatar
Oct 13th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 7:30am | Report
tl;dr, but what did read is hilarious!! Nice work haha.
TheSilverDust's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 8:12am | Report
That was hilarious. When I am playing as Ahri, no. 11 is always SO true.

I want to add another rule, about having Soraka in your team and Karthus in the enemy team. Nothing will happen. Because they "R" ready.
Thanks LaCorpse for the sig!
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 8:34am | Report
everyone knows rule one of league of legends is "Don't chase Singed."

marciakas1's Forum Avatar
May 6th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 8:39am | Report
Great rules, liked it
Canti's Forum Avatar
Apr 22nd, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 8:54am | Report
As a newcomer, I'm going to use this as my only guide for this game.

Signatures are for squares

And triangles too; I won't judge.
ThePreserver's Forum Avatar
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Jan 20th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 7, 2015 5:16am | Report
Why thanks, guys, I'm glad that someone enjoyed my post ^_^
Theomathel's Forum Avatar
May 7th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 7, 2015 7:53am | Report
Made my day!
One more:
When laning against Anivia, don't let her "e" you after her "q". It doubles an already high damage.
-Theomathel Argentarius
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