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and what is with Rageblade? is it not a good item for jax anymore?
Why should I take ghost over flash? and are there situations where I should take tp? (Im a agressive player)
I liked your full game commentary on that Jax v. Ekko game where you took Stormraiders. It's a very good tutorial, all your decisions very well explained and some genius trading against the Ekko. (I specially liked where you caught and explained the Ekko's jump-flash-stun trick.)
Do you mind if I embed one of your videos in my guide? (I will link to this guide of course)
I'd actually be very interested to see what you think of starting Youmuu's Ghostblade as your first item in place of Trinity Force. I saw you took this as the third item in one of your videos, but I think it's a viable first item on Jax in top lane, the main advantage being the lower gold cost so you can have the completed item sooner. For example, it's a stronger item than the three Tri-Force components individually, if you don't have enough gold yet to complete Tri-Force, and I actually think that when you count its active, it's about as strong overall as Tri-Force. Obviously the active gives attack speed for all-ins, and movement speed similar to Ghost, so you could take this with Ignite and Teleport as your summoners, maybe.
My take on Youmuu's is it helps you to establish dominance early, because the enemy doesn't normally build armor first - even Serrated Dirk gives you armor pen - and because of the power spike when it's completed. Once you've established that dominance, you start to snowball. The movement speed is also nice, as your video showed at 21:30.
You have my vote.
If you want a hilarious build to try on your smurf, how about this :)
I've tried it in one or two games, it seems to have everything Jax needs. You will keep some kind of boots, obviously, until you are ready to build Luden's Echo as the 6th item (if the game lasts that long).
It really helped me not so long ago but im starting to fall back in lanes now a days