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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2018 8:53pm | Report

My fault we lost. Missed Smite on Baron. On [[Nunu]. Somehow.

You have to Consume then Smite since their is a delay on Consume whereas Smite is instant.

Consume does 1140 dmg at level 5. Smite at level 15 does 850 dmg. That is 1990 dmg. I don't know either number off the top of my head. I just figure about 1000 dmg +. So if I'm going to play Nunu and be more consistent I need to work on those numbers and being able to add them up quickly.

Anyway. My teammates were challenging this game. Draven got mad at Bard and left Bot lane which ended up costing us a turret and Jax was getting ****ped on by Tryndamere. Which Tryn should win if played right, but damned if I have figure out how to do it, yet.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 24, 2018 10:04pm | Report

Well, they were going for Rift Herald and my team wanted to contest or so I thought and I go in with them behind me and die. I look and my Malphite with ult up has almost died to the Blue buff that he was soloing and the rest of my team was still hanging out in the jungle behind me.

Like in restrospect that really should have called for Malphite going in first, so that was a mistake on my part - not noticing he had other plans.

But really?! WtAF.

I think I might be done with jungle after this game. It doesn't seem to be a position that I can carry from this season.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 25, 2018 8:01pm | Report


I picked one poor fight. That got three of us killed.

Whatever else my team did or didn't do I am responsible for that poor choice.

I guess my win condition here was camping Mid?

My pathing also got garbo so I wasn't farming as effeciently as possible.

1) Was my win condition to camp Mid?
2) If you are a two damage item jungle but they have an assassin on their team should your second item be defensive?

Say Sterak's Gage for the burst from Zed or a Hexdrinker if it is say Diana for Fizz. How about a Stopwatch? Because it doesn't matter how fed I am. The can always kill me if they get the drop on me and often even if they don't.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 25, 2018 8:59pm | Report

Do not Vault unless Tryndamere spins at you. Do not Vault unless Tryn spins at you.

Screw ups in this lane were bad with Tryndamere running Ignite and Exhaust.

1) Do not Vault unless Tryndemere spins onto you. He gets it back really quickly if he gets crits and has 40% CDR so you really shouldn't even vault off him if he wastes it. Only to put distance between you and him. Fortunately the Tryn was not a main and didn't build him like FoggedFTW.
2) If the enemy aggressively moves toward you and they haven't been for a while. Their jungler is almost certainly there.

Master Yi was good at dodging abilities with Alpha Strike which made a lot of difference in this game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 25, 2018 9:21pm | Report
Thoughts as of 4-25-2018.

I am not enjoying playing jungle. I haven't been able to develop any particular strategy that works consistently this season. I am also still not good a tracking the enemy jungler or knowing if I can win a 1 v 1 or a 2 v 2 with a particular champion. Oh, Warwick wins pretty much all 1 v 1s! Let me introduce you to Xin Zhao!!! And Warwick may actually be able to beat Xin Zhao in a 1 v 1, but not, or so it seems, when I'm playing Warwick. When you aren't able to win consistently with a 55% winrate champion, something is amiss.

My tentative plan for now is to switch to playing Top lane and try to learn the ins and outs of a couple of champions that I enjoy playing.

It is a little more isolated and a lot of games the jungler only comes up there after their second buff in order to gank, so you get to plot how to murder you lane opponent in relative peace.

Right now these are the champions I'm thinking about working on because I enjoy their kits. I'll keep jungle as my secondary role and play things I find fun. I may end up just dodging if I get autofilled as support, so I'm going to leave that category blank for now.

Role Champion
Autofill Support
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 25, 2018 10:08pm | Report

And maybe Jax. XD

Died defending Vi taking Rift Herald. We got the Rift Herald and picked up a couple of kills elsewhere on the map so I had the good idea of having Sona, who picked the Rift Herald up, to drop it in Mid lane which picked us up the Mid outer turret.

LeBlanc was silly fed. Why did they revert that champion? She is so slippery and you kind of have to kill her if you want to do anything on the map without risking two of your squishies getting killed while say focused on Baron, but our Sona, a support main, was fed too, so no worries!

Almost died to an early gank by Red Buff empowered Elise. I probably should have died but skated out by the skin of my teeth. I used Leap Strike to get to a minion behind me. And I actually thought about this scenario ahead of time! I thought I was going to die to a last tick from Red Buff after she followed me and got about 2 autos on me, but I survived just barely.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2018 9:45pm | Report

Not flashy, but I didn't give any kills to the Riven. She was able to roam some since since has more waveclear than Swain does, so that was bad since it resulted in Zoe getting killed a couple of times. Though to be fair she was way up in lane and I pinged missing and the path every time.

One death was from trying to protect our Mid innter turret. I thought my team was gathering behind me. Long story but my team ended up rather out of position which allowed three of the enemy team to push down Mid. I didn't dive right in, just tried to look menacing and when they went on me I popped Zhonya's Hourglass to stall them. And my team had based instead of walking back so....Golden Statue of Aloness :(

Accidentally popped my Zhonya's once while trying to switch it to a different slot. Fortunately it didn't result in any negative repercussions.

Oh, I was first pick so I chose Swain as fairly neutral choice. He is ranged so at least he can farm in most match-ups.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2018 10:41pm | Report

Holy moly, my team tried to throw this so many ways. Forunately we kept getting picks and had the lanes pushed out well enough to make sure they didn't get much we did something stupid.

I played like a punk and just made sure not to feed the Kled and killed him every time my team ganked for me. Fortunately he wasn't a Kled main based on his skill leveling order and his build.

Got caught out a couple of times shoving out lanes. Downside of Sion being popular in pro play is that people know to get in front of you in order to ult.

Got screwed in one fight where I couldn't ult in because the damn scuttle crab was in the way. That resulted in a bunch of us getting killed whereas we might have been able to make something of the fight if I had gotten in their in a timely manner.

Also clipped a base wall trying to chase down Warwick who was running out of their base.

Irritating match-up. Kled does a boat load of damage. Not sure if the poke build would have been a better choice or not, but went Grasp of the Undying in order to be a little more tanky.

First pick again and we had a Swain showing in Mid so I couldn't opt for him. So, Sion since we needed a tank.

Meant to buy Mercury's Treads since they had a lot of CC.

Oh, walked into Kalista going the opposite way in Bot lane and soloed her. That felt good.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2018 7:17pm | Report

Lost a fight in Mid which would probably have cost us our Mid base turret and inhibitor and then four people on your team chose to surrender.

Warwick went for an extremely greedy build, which meant he didn't have the tankiness you would generally expect of a Warwick, which was a bad deal vs a Syndra.

It wasn't the only thing that cost us the game, but it certainly contributed to it.

Still need to get a better handle on Kled's ult. People just walk or dash away from it very easily.

Had a failed tower dive on Riven. Well, failed in the sense that we killed Riven, but Warwick died. So probably could have played that better.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2018 8:54pm | Report

Kind of a boring lane. I could chunk him to half health with a full rotation of abilities. He could heal it up in a wave or so.

I shoved in the first two waves to get it to bounce back to me so I could get a ward in, it took longer than I would have liked for it to push back becaue Nasus kind of only last hits, so it is slow going with him using any abilties. I needed to be a little more patient with my ability usage so I wasn't countering pushing. I did get it pushing back and pointed that out to the Jarvan IV and he eventually came by and we managed to gank and kill Nasus.

I let myself get picked of in a gank by Tryndamere. Wither is brutal like that. Not sure if managed to proc Phase Rush to try to mitigate some of the slow. Need to make sure to try and do that.

My team was slow on rotations in the late game. I asked for help at our Bot inner lane turret 25seconds before the enemy team was going to shove a wave into it and no one rotated. I should have just backed off, but did so I died ignominiously with a dunce cap on my head.

I picked up a Morellonomicon second to try and deal with their team's ability to heal up, but it felt bad not having Zhonya's Hourglass in a couple of situations.

Once i got it I was able to be a little more ballsy and put myself in the middle of fights with my ult doing work.

Thinking that maybe should have been a third purchase.

I need to work on my last hitting with Swain. Anyone got a good practice regimen for him? It used to be that one tick of his ult was basically an AA worth of damage so you could use that to setup the caster minions, but it doesn't work like that anymore.

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