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(From the section on Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Btw you missed an 'e' on "escape".)
This is inaccurate. Slows don't stack in League anymore (they changed this a long time ago), so Rylai's does nothing with Rumble's E. The game just uses the strongest slow, which in most cases is going to be Electro-Harpoon.
The only case where Rylai's does anything with Rumble's E is if his E is rank 1 AND you only hit the first cast. Even in this case, you'll only be upgrading the slow from 15% to 20%. If you hit both Es or rank up the ability to rank 2, Rylai's ceases to do anything at all. Rumble's E slow is also double the duration of Rylai's, so you aren't going to get any extra duration out of it either.
Same principle applies to The Equalizer. Since the slow is 35%, Rylai's doesn't enhance it at all.
What Rylai's does enhance is your Flamespitter (since it adds consistent CC where there was none before) and your Liandry's Torment burn. If you think that's a good enough reason to build the item, then that's fine, but you should update your description to be more accurate.
(nice guide btw)
I just want to ask: What do you think of Rumble jungle? I played it a few times over the past year. It didn't feel as bad as it may seem.
You covered pretty much everything about how to play as Rumble, if I ever get to play with him I'll make sure to follow your guide.
The aesthetic of the guide is really pleasing to the eye, and the structure is correctly ordered for easier understanding (you talk first about the champion and then you talk about strategy).
IMHO, this guide is great, thumbs up for you!