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I think I've found a real bug: Saved and...

Creator: Lulu Mushroom Teas February 5, 2022 7:47am
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Nov 16th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2022 7:47am | Report
I have had this issue/bug recurrently by now, so that I know it is real. I've started to notice it especially since I discovered it was possible to make "incomplete" Rune Pages (they present an alert icon along with the note message: "Not enough runes chosen"), and then I eventually started to use many of "incomplete" Rune Pages, Saving them and Publishing them for my Guide.

So far, it looks good; "incomplete" Rune Pages are nice, and expected to be used normally, right?

But then, what seems to be happening is that they are being disrupted all at once! This happens whenever I go back, occasionally, to edit the Runes section... then, all my "incomplete" Rune Pages, they just appear auto-filled in a same fashion. I don't know if this is happening because I have about 20 Rune Pages, or because I have at least 1 "incomplete" Rune Page or just many of them at once; or a combination of the above.

It's quite frustrating, because then I have to spend a lot of time nearly to remake/fix each of my "incomplete" Rune Pages everytime, if I just simply visit the Runes section for edition (there is no turning back; it sticks, so if the user "Saves", all the previous work is lost; maybe only closing the site without Saving, but maybe not even that we crossed the line). So, I have to reset each of my Rune Pages Path(s), in order to have turned back to the original "incompleteness", otherwise the auto-filled options (or similar) stick and don't go away.

With this issue/bug, I'm even considering not using "incomplete" Rune Pages anymore and trying other alternatives, because it is as if the Saves (regarding Rune Pages) we've previously made aren't reliable.

I would like to make a few tests and see if the bad behavior happens due to excessive number of Rune Pages or even "incomplete" Rune Pages; but I have so much precious information there that it would be difficult to manage for testing purposes.

Please, can someone investigate or fix this? What should I do in the current situation?
Thank you.
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2022 12:49pm | Report
Hey @ Lulu Mushroom Teas!

I'll investigate this error during the next week and I'll see if I'm able to reproduce it. Let me know if you find any other useful information!
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2022 1:28am | Report
Hey @ Lulu Mushroom Teas!

Do you know how often this error happens? I've tried a few times with multiple rune pages and I cannot replicate the error.
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Nov 16th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2022 8:33am | Report
Hi, Hades4u; thank you for taking time to check this out.

At the current state of my Guide, it is happéning 100% of the time:
Whenever I jump to the Runes editing, it auto-fills all my "incomplete" Rune Pages.

The good news, I've just checked, is that, indeed, if I close the site without Saving, after entering the Runes edition, it won't screw up the Runes. But this also means I cannot even touch the Runes edition, unless I'm ready to retake every screwed up Rune Page (the ones that were previously "incomplete" Rune Pages).

I have currently 16 "incomplete" Rune Pages, and 7+ which are normal,complete Rune Pages.

Here is a screenshot of the auto-filling problem; I don't currently understand, but there seem to have some curious auto-filling patterns happening, and we might compare these with to the original Rune Pages (on the Uploaded version of the Guide for example).

It looks like this whenever I get to Runes edition. If I Save from there, it's over! screwed up everything.

It's funny how it auto-fills every gap on the "incomplete" Rune Page, and still the Alert icon shows up at the right side; but the Alert icon will vanish if we Save from there though...
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Nov 16th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2022 9:15am | Report
Hades4u, do you want me to do any test(s) on my own Guide in my Runes section? I guess I'm ready to screw them up a few times again for the good cause; I think I can just backup the data with screenshots and digital notes somewhere else, so that I don't need to be concerned for now.
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 8, 2022 12:59am | Report

No worries, I'll try to replicate the bug in a new guide and I'll copy your exact rune pages to see if the bug happens again. Thanks for all the help! 😁
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 8, 2022 1:41am | Report
I have a quick question - when you're creating an incomplete rune page, what options are you leaving blank?
Lulu Mushroom Teas's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 8, 2022 10:47am | Report
Hades4u wrote:
I have a quick question - when you're creating an incomplete rune page, what options are you leaving blank?

It varies a little, I'll try to list the patterns:

For each of the first 3 Page Runes, I had on the primary Path the Precision Path; there, I've just taken a main rune Fleet Footwork, Lethal Tempo or Press the Attack) and an additional, fixed choice of Legend: Alacrity. For the Domination Path, it was full. The last 3 accessory runes lacked the LAST choice (Armor/Magic Resist/Health)

RUNE PAGE 4 ("Anti-Sthealth")
This one has lots of holes: I selected first the Precision Path as the primary Path, even though all its runes remain completely empty. Then as before, the secondary Domination Path is full. And the 3 accessory runes left totally empty.

Each of them takes ONLY A SINGLE different minor rune on the primary Precision Path, and doesn't even include a main rune. I still included the same, secondary Domination Path, but this time left it completely empty. The 3 last accessory runes are also completely empty.

RUNE PAGE 11 ("Chasing Required")
Precision Path is primary, but left totally empty. Domination Path is secondary, but I only take 1 minor rune there, Relentless Hunter, and I set it exactly at the SECOND SPOT of the 2 spots available, leaving the upper spot empty. All the 3 accessory runes remain empty.

Precision Path is primary, but left totally empty. Domination Path is secondary, but left totally empty. I just presented different, complete combination sets of the last 3 accessory runes; I always take 10% Attack Speed and only the last 2 are being swapped in different ways.

This is it. All the remaining Rune Pages are compete Rune Pages (well, except for RUNE PAGE 22, where the last accessory rune is left empty; but this is a fairly new Rune Page I've made... by the time I've made it, the bug was already happening anyways).
By the way, I'm wondering if this 'trick' of leaving a primary or secondary Path completely empty isn't causing the miss-behavior. I had/have the choice not to select the Paths at all, if they were going to remain emptied anyways; but I've done the way I did because I just thought it would be less visually confusing, that those Rune Pages were meant to be taken along with specific primary/secondary Paths; turns out those totally emptied Paths don't even present their names on the Published Guide, they only appear as emptied circles with no color distinction; but at least they occupy the correct space (when primary or secondary). If they're causing the bug, I should just not use this 'trick' anymore, if it can't be changed. I also am a bit suspicious of what I've done with Relentless Hunter case on RUNE PAGE 11, which also has a totally empty primary Path.


No worries, I'll try to replicate the bug in a new guide and I'll copy your exact rune pages to see if the bug happens again. Thanks for all the help! 😁

Thank you so much! If you need anything else, please just ask me. Good Luck on this major test.
Lulu Mushroom Teas's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 20, 2022 12:32am | Report
Hello, Hades4u.

I've got some news; I've finally took the courage to unmake my Runes section in order to try finding out what triggers the suspected bug.

On many attempts, sadly, I've eventually concluded that, when building "incomplete" Rune Pages, there are different buggy things that will occur (from auto-swapping runes to auto-filling runes on empty slots, including auto-erasing runes making empty slots... and maybe more), whenever we go back to the Edition on the Runes section.

And it's not necessarily just a matter of the number of Rune Pages we've got. I was thinking that the bug would only start to happen whenever we've got at least 3 Rune Pages (and at least one of them was an "incomplete" one), but actually it also happens when we've got only 2 Rune Pages (and at least one of them being "incomplete") or even only 1 Rune Page (being "incomplete"); it's just that the bug make different things according to the circumstance.
The last 3 accessory runes seem to be the most sensitive ones to the bug, and will get screwed up with a single existing Rune Page (in the case one or more of them are left with empty slots); they will also get bugged out from additional conditions.
The other runes, from the Paths, seem to be more "resisting"; it looks like these runes will only suffer automatic transformations when we've got 3 (THREE) or more Rune Pages, and that there is at least 1 "incomplete" Rune Page among the collection; and it is likely that, if the FIRST Rune Page is a "complete" one, then the whole thing will be less buggier than if it were an "incomplete" one (like in the case of the massive auto-filling I was suffering —also taking into account that I had many Rune Pages which shared the same 2 Paths and in the same order? primary|secondary Paths; an additional condition which allows the bug to become more disruptive.

Well, at least, there are better means of reproducing and understanding the bug now.
Because I need to address many Runes' ideas in my Guide, I guess I'll work on a new Chapter regarding Runes and only rely on the Runes section for some more basic information I might be able to handle while avoiding the bug. I hope we are lucky to get this fix in the future. Cheers!
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Nov 16th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 20, 2022 8:16am | Report

Interestingly enough, I've just seem to have found a way to organize all the original Rune Pages from my Guide without any of them being affected by the bug.

Basically, the top Page Runes must be the "complete" ones, and as it goes down, they can be lesser and lesser "incomplete"; but never the inverse for some reason. If I just swapped positions, like placing anyone of the more "complete" Rune Pages BELOW another that is a more "incomplete" Rune Page, it should wreak havoc the entire collection (with massive auto-filling in this case).

I'm not totally sure of all the details of how this is working, but it seems to fit. The lowest set of Rune Pages are the ones that only present accessory runes; but I didn't test it thoroughly, I've just thought it would be logical to be that way. The rest is a bit more intuitive.

OR MAYBE it just has to do with the "Alert" icon, and we should NEVER PLACE a Rune Page which has an Alert icon above Rune Pages which have not.

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