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Just surrender, Damnit. You're annoying as hell.

Creator: Devilesse July 2, 2011 10:53am
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Devilesse's Forum Avatar
Jun 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 9:55am | Report

A few things....
1 NEVER expect your team to listen to you, simply hope they might.
2 It's a team game taking matters into your own hands becomes more and more difficult the later a game gets.
3 Always account for the R-factor (******). Regardless of how co-ordinated you might get your team people still do REALLY dumb things, like trying to solo Dragon without ward checking without team mates, trying to get blue or red buff alone, in your side's jungle where the enemy team has jumped you guys 2 or 3 times already. Face checking bushes, over extending trying to push a lane (TF and YI are exceptions to that rule IMO) etc. etc. You basically can't account for human nature, someone may be in the game to purposefully lose I doubt you can ace push in a 4v5 scenario if you've been down all game.

There are close games, games in which an ace counter push is possible, and games where you have a c****'s chance in prison to win....Know the difference and make choices off that. I go into games prepared to lose hoping to win. That's the best scenario anyone should ever go into a game with.

You took the...keys right off my keyboard. Great explanation. It's so frustrating when you're in a match trying to get someone to listen about how to play properly when they are bent on being negligent.

I once had a Katarina who was literally running into their base 4v1 and dying. Granted she would usually get 1-2 kills before she died, but it was still very stupid to even do that.


Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 9:59am | Report
3 Different ways to get people to listen to you.
Jungle: People will listen if you be smart and buy wards for them. You give control.
ALL CAPS: People see the "all caps" as either annoying or, "do this now!" Usually the latter.
Don't play the tanks: People don't like listening to the tank who "doesn't tank right" when your squishy just runs in. Carry, Jungler and tanky/DPS are the "commander" roles.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

princessmisery's Forum Avatar
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Jan 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 2:27pm | Report
If they don't surrender, I just go jungle and run off and have fun til it's finally over. I'm tired of getting angry about ******s. They don't deserve my time.
Kramis's Forum Avatar
Feb 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 2:35pm | Report
well very nice Devil i dont know what to say, well in some chases its bound to be a loss xD and yeah you are right ^^ .. well you can allways try ^^
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 2:47pm | Report
I was wondering why I had 2 sets of keyboard keys. My bad you can has them back now.
Devilesse's Forum Avatar
Jun 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 3:36pm | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

3 Different ways to get people to listen to you.
Jungle: People will listen if you be smart and buy wards for them. You give control.
ALL CAPS: People see the "all caps" as either annoying or, "do this now!" Usually the latter.
Don't play the tanks: People don't like listening to the tank who "doesn't tank right" when your squishy just runs in. Carry, Jungler and tanky/DPS are the "commander" roles.

Another example that just happened right now.
I had an ashe that was trying to play close range into 1v3 ganks, racking up 10 deaths with only 1 kill.
I had an amumu who would go solo on his own in late game and basically died 16 times.
I had a caitlyn who basically fed over 15 times with a whopping total of only 5 kills.

I told ashe to stop playing close range, but she would continually run right up to a high health enemy and shoot like she could take him out that way. No volley either, she didn't even use her ult.
I actually had to tell amumu to turn off his despair while he wasn't near minions or any enemies, yet he continued to keep it on draining his MP to nearly nothing and would just misuse his ult left and right.

Everyone not listening to calls to warn about MIA and lane raids basically cost us all our turrets. I would warn about raids; no response. I would tell them how to play their characters a little more efficiently, no response.

People can either choose to listen or not. With situations like this, it's almost unhelpable if you correct someone, yet they want to press over and over again with stupid methods that don't help.

And how is this relevant to surrendering? Surrenders were rejected continuously over and over again, even though the match was just absolutely being dominated by the opposing team.

And then I'm the villain after game for telling them that they were extremely awful team members. -_- Epic failure.


Jun 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 4:53pm | Report
@Devil: I feel for ya bro...

Sometimes, you are trying to do your best to make the team go in the right direction because you're really good enough to pull the situation out of the ****ter. But all you achieve in the end, is your team either ignoring you, or throwing a report-happy tantrum in your general direction.

This is especially annoying when you get a bad start in form of a gank, lags or the likes.

Like this morning, I've played with a Shaco who got killed straight after leaving the base because he thought that diving into a Turret at lvl1 is a good idea.

I had a TF who had no idea how to play at all. He played so recklessly that he always sat with 10% HP left, despite the fact that there was a Karthus in the enemy team. I suggested being more careful/building a Banshee's so he doesnt die every time Karthus casts his ult, but got called a noob in response. Apparently, he was a pro Teemo, and I was building my Teemo wrong. *shrug*

We had two more individuals who went top lane, and made it their goal to feed Corki.

On top of it all, I started to get frequent game freezes - failing to farm the clumsy Karthus as much as I wanted to.

Good thing was that, my team was surrender happy. But they also acted like it wasn't their fault that we lost (each of them had a ton of deaths, with no kills). They also flamed me because I've bought double Doran's Blades and one piece of Mandred's Razors to make it easier for myself to farm and harass in early game. Funny thing was that, despite being called a feeder and reported, I ended with the best score in the team.

*shrug* again.
Shak3y's Forum Avatar
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Oct 12th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2011 10:18am | Report
I'm prolific for becoming the self appointed 'team leader.' N i always try to lead the team how i would want someone to lead me. My personal rules.

1. plz and ty's. Simple manners actually apply in game you know.
2. Be confident and decisive. Confidence can carry though in game.
3. build up to it. I find the best way to infulence the team is to start by asking suggestive questions,
Olaf you starting at blue?

Then build up so by then end you have a fairly good infulence on the team.

However, if you play bad. Don't lead, no-one listens to the feeder/bad player.

Finally; be nice! An example.

Singed n Ali lane together the solo top morde says that it is a stupid lane. I tell him it isn't. Also it is a good combo. So they lane bottom and semi feed. I say it's fine dnt worry etc. Keeping mordes flaming at bay. Then i start to give a bit of direction. After 5 min, singed n ali tell me to stfu. I ask why and they say just. I ask ali to buy wards etc because he's support. He says ali isn't a support. I just say, ali is a support but w/e. Just buy wards please. He dosen't so i do ad the carry.

After a bit they stfu again. I say "all im trying to do is help win the game." of which i get a "keep gonig with it vortexi. its good."

I just shrug off the comments. N continue with my chat. Keep positive.
Think. analysis. and improve you game. Always
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