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Talon Build Guide by TrickShot

Talon - Blades of Fury (8/30 NEW UPDATES)

Talon - Blades of Fury (8/30 NEW UPDATES)

Updated on August 30, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TrickShot Build Guide By TrickShot 120 46 327,277 Views 105 Comments
120 46 327,277 Views 105 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TrickShot Talon Build Guide By TrickShot Updated on August 30, 2011
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nlnja777 | November 22, 2011 3:40pm
first off your guide was the ONLY guide i even liked. heres something to consider. screw dorans blade. have you ever just shot out a rake and watched your life go up? yea i have and i gotta say not worth it too small. for him to take full advantage of that blade u have to auto atk alot and when enemies come thats not easy, as talon lieks to sit back and watch what they are gonna do then jump them. and as we both agree talon is not an autoatk champ. as for the order of your items try this instead of building trinity force after bf sword just build it into the infinity edge. then get ghostblade and finish your trinity afterwards. since the last patch with the new masteries people are harder to kill. and people kill talon alot faster thanks to the extra dmg when below 40% and extra armor pen. again your guide was the ONLY one i liked out of them all i find it compleatly ******ed seeing people stack atk speed items and that stupid frozen mallet. that little bit of life aint squat and that 10% is just not good enough for talon. take care and try out what i recomended. i net around 30kills per game add me and see.
Ulthus | October 28, 2011 6:12pm
Tried your guide, and it has worked the best for me. Great guide love it!
Vort (56) | September 30, 2011 9:07am
Great guide overall! I have a few bits of commentary, based upon my experiences. First off, yes, you are awesome for using Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Secondly, I don't feel "rushing" Trinity Force and Youmuu's Ghostblade is the best way to go about building talon. They're both fairly expensive items, relative to what they bring to the table, and I believe the early game gold can be better spent building up Talon's base damage. Simply purchasing The Brutalizer and Sheen covers the most important aspects of these two items, while saving 4160 gold to spend elsewhere. That's enough gold to buy any item in the game, with a bit left over. I personally usually spend this gold on two B. F. Swords, and a Pickaxe, as that provides Talon with an absurd boost to his damage, while still leaving room for end game "Carry" items.
Hope you draw some use from my comments. One further note. I find that if you do decide to solo lane with talon, Mana per 5 seals are a great boon over armor. They allow you to farm for a much more extensive length, and to continue poking your opponent without mana issues. Armor isn't often as vital in 1v1 lanes, as the slow from Rake should keep the majority of damage from most 1v1 champions off of talon.
Tking | September 25, 2011 5:40pm
Nice build tried it and got 11-4-7 on solo top vs noct alistar :)
iCare | September 23, 2011 6:52am
Thank you for this build. As you can see this is not 100% your build. I needed to sell stuff so i could handel thier master yi. Real thanks i made an acc to just say thanks! Because of you i learned playing talon.
Greetings iCare
GoML Noobs | September 18, 2011 7:26pm
Bro This is the best guide ive ever seen here are some of my match history with this extraordinary guide. P.S. ive also went 44-6-12 with this guide i just didnt get record its match history as i was too late.

btw if u cant read the scores i went 35-16-20, 24-4-14, and 16-3-9 (bottom to top)
notice the quadra kill? :D
Yakimez | September 17, 2011 3:45pm
I love you! This was my first game ever with him.
I was afk in champion select and got him. Best choice of my LoL-experience.
Quadra kill in first game <3.

About the bot games, I'm teaching a friend to play. Gotta recommend him Talon.
Blakmage86 | September 15, 2011 5:26pm
Excellent guide. First time I used it was a 3v3 pvp match and not only did one of the opposing team rage quit after I killed him for the fourth time but I went 11/8/4. Awesome work!
SpDirl (1) | September 15, 2011 11:53am

3rd game as Talon!

+1 From me
Soothsayer | September 13, 2011 9:39am
Lol Ctrl - C, Ctrl - V guide FTL. Using different build. Everyone actually read his vayne build and then this one.
Extremous Unusual (3) | September 13, 2011 7:20am
Very detailed guide, I tested it. Went 18/2/20. Thank you.

All though I prefer Swiftness Boots over Ionian Boots of Lucidity because I am able to catch people faster.

Again, +1
Kottonmouths | September 11, 2011 5:21am

Flawless build, I feel that this is the best possible build for talon..
I rest my case :P

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