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's Forum Avatar

The coalition wants you!

Creator: BOCsillion September 24, 2011 3:45pm
BOCsillion's Forum Avatar
Sep 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 24, 2011 3:45pm | Report
The CSG is in need for members for our Team. CSG stands for the Coalition of Strategy Gamers or the Coalition for short. The goal of the coalition is to create a fun productive community for player growth. We are planning on having weekly practices, and plan on holding many tournaments and clan battles. We play in many various games including both starcraft 2 and league of legends.

We are looking for active members, both in game and on the forms. The Coalition has minimum requirement to join, all we ask is you to be active.

If we have caught your interest you can visit us at

Long Live the Coalition!
Blowfeld's Forum Avatar
Jul 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 24, 2011 5:00pm | Report
Best of luck for your project, hope it grows healthy!
Fox Rage wrote:
Blowfeld. Best Party Wrecker Worldwide.
BOCsillion's Forum Avatar
Sep 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2011 1:41pm | Report
we are looking for people to join us in the CSG in game chat every sunday at 7. Plan on having exciting game match ups and fun custom tournaments!

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