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Jungle list.

Creator: PotatisFarfar December 2, 2010 3:18am
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PotatisFarfar's Forum Avatar
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Jul 1st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2010 3:18am | Report
So i tried jungle trundle the other day.

and i got this idea for a list. a jungle list. so if you know ur jungler good. please tell me and i will add that champ to the list

So i maybe we culd make a little list here. If ya know ur heroes jungle time / health lvl at lvl 6. please post it so i can make a little list.
*note this is without gankeing. just staying in jungle.
Jungle list.

Trundle (with smite/ignite): Difficult: Medium Lvl 6 on the 6 min mark. Health at lvl 6 was around 30-40. Masteries Runes Comment: Pretty solid jungler. has a really fast lvling time. bit risky at the later lvls. Pretty rune dependent. I wuld say flat hp quints is better. fairly low gankeing power on his own.
animorte's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2010 4:01am | Report
That's a good idea. I will work some more with my new seemingly unlikely jungler and post it. People are gonna be like "Wtf, she can't jungle!"
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.

"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
ExamplePrime's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2010 4:33am | Report
Rammus - With smite
Difficulty: Easy. No real runes needed just a defensive mastery tree. Can get blue buff then return for red and a gank. Hard to do Dragon with until a Wrigle's Lantern but mainly used for ganking like crazy

Warwick - With Smite
Difficulty: Easy/Med. Once you get the Blue Buff its stupid easy. Red Buff can be a little tricky but after that its more about if you want to gank or do dragon
Warwick - Without Smite
Difficulty: Medium. Harder to kill Red and Blue but possible

Olaf - With Smite
Difficulty: Medium. Can be tricky to do if you mess up.

Twitch - With Smite
Difficulty: Very Hard. Needs specific masteries and runes. Not advised

Udyr - With Smite
Difficulty: Medium. Don't know much about it

Akali - With Smite
Difficulty: Hard. Needs a specific build set-up and requires lots of calling back
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I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
ExamplePrime's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2010 4:36am | Report
Also Fiddlesticks, Irelia and Malphite to add
Shameless plug:
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
grindan's Forum Avatar
Nov 8th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2010 5:45am | Report
Jax - with smite
Difficulty: medium; Needs some dodges runes. Jungle very fast with few come back. Pretty good ganker

There is also Shen and Amumu who are classical, but I don't know how they really do it however Shen spam sword for keep life up...
animorte's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2010 7:46am | Report
Katarina - With Smite
Difficulty: Medium... needs defensive masteries and specific items. Doesn't need to recall often. Not the best ganker, but can work with help. Relies heavily on red buff. By level 6 everything is easy, except needs help with Dragon. Can later pass as tank or AD (yes, both can be done).
EDIT: Reaches level 6 at about 8 minutes.

Katarina - Without Smite
Difficulty: Don't even try it... needs defensive runes, masteries, and recalls often. Jungles very slow, not worth your time. Might as well go tank though.

Akali - With Smite
Difficulty: Hard. Needs a specific build set-up and requires lots of calling back

I fought against an Akali once that was jungling. It was very fast and apparently very efficient. She roflstomped our entire team starting with first blood double kill. It was scary good.
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.

"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2010 1:32pm | Report
Amumu - With Smite
Difficulty: Medium. Very hard to do without masteries or runes. Still, I managed it, and I'm only level 21 (GASP) and I was running a mage rune set. Very fast jungler once he gets his Sunfire Cape. Difficult early game phase; relies on either good ganks or an early Dragon, which leaves you vulnerable.

But if you do it right, he's great. I just played a game and went 22/1/16 with him. ^_^
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DEWO's Forum Avatar
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Feb 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 3, 2010 12:11am | Report
Fiddle - Drain drain drain drain drain dead, go back to lane with blue buff get fiew kills, go back to blue buff drain drain drain drain dead go back to the lane get fiew kills, get the dragon drain drain drain drain dead go back to the lane get fiew kills, go back to blue buff drain drain drain drain dead, wake up with 4k gold unspent.
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Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!
PotatisFarfar's Forum Avatar
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Jul 1st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 3, 2010 12:45am | Report
Thx for response. i wuld like to have a time when they hit lvl 6. just so you can compare. will try to uptate when i got the time. but 1st i'm gonna do some experiments
Restrictnine#5232's Forum Avatar
Jul 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 3, 2010 5:22pm | Report
EEK! btw udyr is super easy. just throwin that out there. you just need the right runes. Also hitting six isnt as much of an issue for junglers. your job is more to gank than to get to lv 6. only a few junglers need to get to lv 6 before they can gank. and even then, they dont HAVE to reach lv 6. I believe a more accurate timing system would be when the first jungle route is finished. reaching lv 6 is inconsistent because it depends so much on how many successful ganks you achieve. Also, if you are more worried about leveling than ganking, you arent jungling correctly. jungling is about more than just leveling. you need to support the rest of your team and try to give them an advantage.
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