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Thank you for your work from all newbies that starting playing and learning Ziggs :)
As Ziggs I find it relitivly difficult to justify building MR for the reasons you have already listed. However, if I'm having a lot of trouble against a hyper mobile AP assassin like Le'blanc, I'll bite the bullet and build abysall anyway despite the magic penetration being useless. Now with CDR and lots more AP, the item isn't completely worthless if you don't get the magic pen.
Also, don't underestimate the sheer health given by Rylies and Rod of Ages. If you know you're going to be dealing with assassins that will try and one shot you, it might be worth giving up some damage for the extra hp.
Hope this helps,
Constantine III
For Mana solutions, Morellonomicon is really BAD. You shouldnt complete this item unless you start nedding the CDR that provides, or the passive. Building DMG like Ludden´s is preferable, and Doran´s Ring is more effective if you build more damage. IF you are struggling to stay alive, buy a Catalyst and build a Rod of Ages, provides decent stats, and will make your MR Runes more efficient.
Hey @agoney just realised you've got a pesky Deathfire Grasp in your last build in the cheat sheet, but I attribute that to your absence the last couple months. Just sayin'
Sorry about that. My focus has been on my Vayne guide recently. Once that's up to snuff I'll come back and clean up the Ziggs guide.
Found a typo whilst reading in path two, in the first sentence. Again, love the guide Games gonna start but i look forward to exploring it more!!
Update the masteries please!
Sorry about the delay! Mid terms are coming up. College is hard. Excuses excuses. But I've been doing some testing and now the build/masteries are up to date for what I think is currently best. Enjoy!
Update the masteries please!
He hasn't been online for 2 months. Go 12/18/0 on ziggs.