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nice guide, I love it!
Thank you for letting me know.
Great guide, liked it a lot.
Only thing I could pick up on is updating jungle camp times.
Apart from that, great!
Upvoted :)
Yeah, I need to update a lot of things about this guide :-/
Only thing I could pick up on is updating jungle camp times.
Apart from that, great!
Upvoted :)
So im generally new to using shaco but I really love his complexity and kit, from my prior jungling experience I found that the sprit of the ancient golem is a great jung item because of its CDR and health plus its mana and health regen. I was wondering what you thought about using that as his jung item? I also was wondering if this build I formulated would be efficient?: SOTAG, Besrk/Mob boots, Hydra, Froz Mallet, Inf Edge, and GA. With 21/9/0 and 9 AD + 9 Armor + 9 MR + 3 Q.AD
I have been doing a lot of experimenting recently with not even buying a Hunter's Machete on Shaco at any point in the game. The benefits of it is that you essentially don't waste any of your gold on jungling items, but alternativey you spend it on damage making your ganks stronger. I do this by starting with a Doran's Blade or Long Sword + Health Potion x 2. In my opinion, Spirit of the Ancient Golem is not a bad item on Shaco against a heavy cc team, but other than that situation I would refrain from buying it. The main problem with purchasing it, is it is a ~1400 gold investment assuming you build Madred's Razors or Spirit Stone every game, and with that money you could've completed a Bilgewater Cutlass, most of Tiamat, or if you wanted some tankiness you could've built a Giant's Belt and a Cloth Armor. All in all, there is just better places where the money invested in that can be placed. If you choose to keep building Spirit of the Ancient Golem I would advise you to cell it late game for a Last Whisper.
In terms of your build, everything seems fine except I would switch the Frozen Mallet with either Trinity Force or Statikk Shiv. The slow from Frozen Mallet isn't really needed considering you have your Two-Shiv Poison passive that passively slows enemies.
Hey, thanks PP for the guide, but if you wouldn't mind, could you update the guide to the 3.10 patch? I find that some of the junglers who you listed in the matchups are severely outdated, and rarely faced, while lacking some very common junglers such as Zac, Evelynn, and Nasus. Similarly, your starting items (boots with 2 pots) might need a fix due to the changes with the price drops, and the availability to buy a ward and 2 hp potions, or 4 hp potions. Similarly, the guide isn't up to date with the spawn timers such as wolves which changes the jungle path quite significantly.
Thanks, Anti
Everything that you've stated is correct. I have been very busy recently trying to hit plat, and working on assignments. I am going to begin working on updates tonight and read through my entire guide to make sure information is valid. Thank you for bringing it up though. Rep given.
EDIT: Just so you know... When I say working on updates I mean that I am drafting. I won't actually publish an update until I have dealt with the entire chapter. I am currently working on the match-ups chapter.
Thanks, Anti
Nice guide. I play Shaco myself, just looking for some more tips on playing Shaco effectively and I like the look of this guide a lot. I have one question, why max out Jack in the Box before Deceive? Is it for the extended fear? I would think maxing out Deceive before boxes for the damage.
The main reason behind not maxing out Deceive is because Deceive only gains 20% more critical damage on first attack when leveling up. In comparison, with every time you level up your Jack In The Box you gain the following bonuses:
I only recommend maxing Deceive second is if you rush an Infinity Edge after completing or partially completing a jungling item. I am in no case recommending to rush an Infinity Edge, but if you decide to you should max Deceive second.
Hope this helps, and if you have any further questions let me know.