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No more popularity nerfs!

Creator: recnib October 2, 2012 4:05am
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throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2012 1:09pm | Report
tehAsian wrote:

Actually, people are crying "Kha Zix/Rengar needs a nerf" because apparently assassins doing their job to instagib carries means they need nerfs.

Khazix is broken to hell. People that have faceroll-easy gapcloser that can jungle need a downside. Khazix has no apparent downside. CC, sustain, gapcloser, great cleartime, ridiculous sustain, escape, stealth, he's not very tanky, but who cares? he can win a game during the laning phase.

I always thought nocturne was as broken as a jungle could be. then they made khazix and nerf noc, and now nocturne looks like a joke. Seriosuly, why pick nocturne when you can pick kha'zix? I'm so good at khazix. i got double buff and pressed a button to instantly gap-close and cc someone. i'm theoddone zzzzz

Maokai has sick gapclosing ganks, at the price of having absolutely 0 damage late game.
Xin is a good capcloser, but he's xin. he falls off fast and hard.
Nocturne is a sustain-y cc-y jungler, but his gapcloser is on a 250 second cooldown.
kha is strong ALL GAME
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2012 1:32pm | Report
^Pretty much.

Also, he's real pub-stompy when people decide to go off on their own.
Stay near teammates/minions and he loses a lot of damage.

His kit works too well together.
Rocket-jump into 12% of your missing HP as well as 3 slows? Alright, I'll take it. And then, he rocket jumps away.

Unless you're laning, there's not a real point to evo both wings and spike racks. Hell, his mana costs on the W need to be bumped up. Probably his Q too. All his mana costs are negligible at pretty much all stages of the game come to think of it.
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NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2012 3:34pm | Report
Actually, Stonewall ranks Kha'Zix rather as a decent jungler. His place is definitly top lane. An why pick Kha'Zix when you can pick Rengar who just does everything better?

Kha`Zix - Well he was pretty disappointing. He's alright. He's more of an invader/duelist than ganker till level 6. I mean he can gank pre 6 and deal a ****load of damage on unarmored enemies but they're average ganks. His jungle speed is average but his objective/buff murdering power is pretty extreme - be basically chunks those things. This gives him some invasion power and dragon control no doubt. He's got basically no sustain both mana and health wise. His W does pretty much no damage so you don't really want to rank it thus the heal is awful (rank 1 is awful) and he burns through his mana really quickly for his first clear. Also his ganking is variable according to how you evolve him. Each of them affect his ganking in different ways - I personally prefer the bigger leap as it helps his invasion quite some.

He's an assassin and needs gold in order to keep up his damage. He has basically no utility and can't afford to go tanky. Sure you CAN build him like a bruiser bust most other bruisers are bringing in some crowd control or awesome damage without items. Kha`Zix needs murder power and thus shifts the burden of a tank onto another teammate and may even then just be screwed for gold because that's what the jungle does to you.
throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2012 3:36pm | Report
"more bad jungler"
you just gave me a headache.

rengar isn't an op jungler, he's an op top lane.
tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2012 4:18pm | Report

Khazix is broken to hell. People that have faceroll-easy gapcloser that can jungle need a downside. Khazix has no apparent downside. CC, sustain, gapcloser, great cleartime, ridiculous sustain, escape, stealth, he's not very tanky, but who cares? he can win a game during the laning phase.

I always thought nocturne was as broken as a jungle could be. then they made khazix and nerf noc, and now nocturne looks like a joke. Seriosuly, why pick nocturne when you can pick kha'zix? I'm so good at khazix. i got double buff and pressed a button to instantly gap-close and cc someone. i'm theoddone zzzzz

Maokai has sick gapclosing ganks, at the price of having absolutely 0 damage late game.
Xin is a good capcloser, but he's xin. he falls off fast and hard.
Nocturne is a sustain-y cc-y jungler, but his gapcloser is on a 250 second cooldown.
kha is strong ALL GAME

I think it's just his kit that's broken >_>

Jump in, instagib, jump again, instagib, jump, instagib, etc, insert stealth to disorient other team whenever necessary.

But idk, I can think of plenty of downsides.

He has no utility other than a (maybe ranged) slow, needs damage to do damage (hard to get unless you snowball in the jungle), his mana sustain is pretty terrible, and if you get denied your first blue so is your health.

Q definitely needs a higher mana cost, or at least scaling like 25/30/35/40/45, I think W is fine, and E needs a higher mana cost for sure because of what it can do.
LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!
Berzerk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2012 4:20pm | Report
I feel hes fine where he is for an assassin champ with no real hard CC.

Check out my complete guide to top lane here.
Check out my Jayce guide here.
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