
Sjoemi and I felt like trolling, and he had this pretty good idea. We would go in a custom game, both in another team. We could pick 4 bots each to go with our own team (though picking for the other might be fun too :D).


1. Jungle!
2. Do not attack each other
3. Do not attack towers, inhibitors or Nexus
4. Baron and Dragon are okay to attack
5. Enjoy!

Basically, in early game especially this is a good way to learn to jungle. The downside is that you are not getting a pull, so it's not really realistic (and ofc, bots are pretty easy to gank/kill).

We did this, game took like 90 mins until we decided it got boring and we just 1v1ed it, (I lost as Irelia vs Rengar :x) so we should add some additional rules. Maybe add time limits (like: when Baron spawns, you can start attacking each other, at 30 minutes you can start to attack turrets, at 45 minutes you can attack inhibitors, at 60 minutes you can attack Nexus).

It sure is a good idea imo, but it needs tweaking. Anyone willing to give this a thought and make some ideas? :D