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Second off I'd like to tell you why.
1. Starting almost lets say 3 hours ago I had never play Hec before now because of this guide I feel like a champ.
- First game bot game (14-0-4) Jungle
- Second Game PVP (14-4-12) Jungle
- Third Game (12-6-18) Jungle
Well I only played three games so far but you get the jist, Never played Hec before now and now I love him cause this build! Bought a Skin too! Thanks for the Guide!
- Rob
The build is simply rather awful. Especially for a jungler. You're far too squishy and the survivability items you have aren't exactly optimally placed either.
Also Boots of Swiftness are horrible.
Nice opinion. Try it out though.
Also Boots of Swiftness are horrible.
Besides that, I like your build :) The speed boosting Hec build is always fun to play and packs alot of damage; sustained and burst. I think it's a great youmoo's build, but it lacks severely with your lategame armor. I think Mr.Jax has already said that, but it is very important lol. A half decent team will not let you freely destroy their carry no matter how much speed you have. One Malphite ult or Morgana snare and you become completely useless as their carry can just take 1 step back and kill you in 3-6 shots. A 1.5 second CC on you let's the carry attack roughly 2-3 times, which will leave you with less than half your health. If they chain CC, you have no hope. The trade-off of speed boots for Merc tread's is a great option; IF they have no CC. Just 1 second of stun status and mercury tread's become the undeniably better option for Hecarim. Also, you're Speedy Hecarim playstyle loses 100% of its bonus AD if you get slowed by anything. If a nunu hits you with an iceball, you lose 60% movement speed and I think about 30% attack speed. This means at 600 speed let's say you are instantly brought down to 240 MS. for 3 seconds. Also your youmoo's active will be effectively nerfed by the slow, so for 3 seconds you are a useless champ. With merc treads, the time is around 1.65 seconds of slow. If you base how strong you are off of MS, Merc treads are better simply because you are better 50% morethan if you have 3 speed boots taking slows into the game. And seeing how somany champions are packing slowing, these merc treads will be giving MORE SPEED and MORE DAMAGE to your fights.
Nice guide :)
Glad to have some other dedicated Hec player's out their trying new things, dont downvote other people because you want to get higher status though man.
Hello! thanks for your constructive comments, and I haven't voted yet since I joined
The first part of what you said is basically repeated of what 87alphaone said, as you mentioned, so scroll up. Also remember that Hecarim has the second highest base armor in the game at level 18. He is naturally quite tanky, so it is a gross exaggeration to say an enemy carry can kill me in 3-6 shots, as this never happens.
The situations you described are also unrealistic. Remember that you target their carry from a distance where they cannot yet see you, as you need to increase the damage on your E, then you ultimate in to start a TEAMFIGHT. By the time you enter their proximity you have over 1000 MS and enemy reactions are terribly slow. You cannot be disabled while in flight, and the range on your ultimate is 1000 units. Severe slows like nunu's ice blast will never hit me before I can ultimate. Malphite's ultimate is also 1000 units, so if he reacts quickly enough to hit me with his ulti EXACTLY as I am 1000 units from him and his team (not likely), then he can disrupt my charge. Even if this happens, though, know that Malphite's ult is also a teamfight initiation tool, so he will have wasted it to stop a single target (me). It's basically two initiators cancelling out lol. Morgana's snare is predictable and has a slow projectile speed. I can dodge it, but you're right if it hits me my initiation is stopped.
You also suggest that their carry will target me, which is a bad idea for the enemy team. It is an exaggeration again to say 2-3 shots will take half my health, as this never happens, unless their carry is horribly fed and I'm horribly behind. So, we are teamfighting, and let's assume the teams are equal in strength. If I am the target of CC AND carries, this leaves the carries of my own team available to wreak havoc on the enemy team. With my W Spirit of Dread, the damage that my carries are freely being allowed to deal are healing me for a ton. If they are still focusing me, we have won the teamfight. Of course this is all situational. Sometimes you do bad, sometimes good. MS Hecarim is risky and I do take a lot of physical damage (though not as much as you suggest :P). The real thing to master with MS Hecarim is timing when to charge and initiate. If I misjudge and misplace myself, THEN I am surely dead, as Hec needs his team around.
Thanks again for posting feedback
Nice guide :)
Glad to have some other dedicated Hec player's out their trying new things, dont downvote other people because you want to get higher status though man.
wow... surprisingly this worked
This guy makes an account to upvote a friends Hecarim guide, and makes a different account to downvote a different person's Hecarim guide... Lol that's kinda rude man.