I think the Season 3 patch was meant for supports. Mainly it changes the support role, giving us supporters more options how we want to build our heroes. My new favourite items are the new Locket of the Iron Solari, because it gives more HP and 10% cooldown now, then the Mikael's Blessing and the Crystal Maiden in an item, Shard of True Ice. I'm not even that familiar with Dota 2 (still havent had the courage to even try play vs people, I mean I lose vs easy bots -.-) but even I know the origins of the item. Regardless I like how supports can finally have AP.

The new masteries are cool too. No need to invest 21 points into Utility, just 15-19 depending on if you want the CDR or not. But I like it.
Only thing that could have made the patch more perfect was that if they had released Nami with it. Then it definitely would have been a support patch. But I like how supports finally get some love after a bunch of useless nerfs. (Come on, Sona isn't so op she deservers 9 armor and 410 hp...)

I have to remake 2-3 of my guides now, one of them unpublished so I don't have any pressure about it. But I already remade the Sona guide after playing few games with the new build. Took me about 2 hours, almost 3 completely since I didn't remember all the names of the new items and masteries. Then I thought I wouldn't touch a single guide in some while, but ended up updating my Soraka guide, because 2 people had whispered to me about it concerned about what to without HoG and asked for an update. So I did update it.

Imo Sightstone is the new HoG without the gold gain. But we stil have Kage's Lucky Pick which is actually useful now that there's so many lovely items we can build it into. But why did they rename Morello's Evil Tome into Morellonomicon? It's the same item with slightly different passive. Now it sounds like Animecon. Is it supposed to be like that, was there a con event featuring only LoL costumes? I'm not into that kind of things so I don't know...

Anyways I wish they'll release Nami soon enough :) She's everything I ever wanted from a support. Cute and a mermaid (I love mermaids, I'm 23 old and I draw pretty pseudomanga mermaids everywhere) <3 And she heals too, yay!