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Good support idea for low ELO, or not

Creator: SimonXYT December 10, 2012 2:42pm
SimonXYT's Forum Avatar
Feb 24th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 10, 2012 2:42pm | Report
So I am usualy left to support in solo quee since I am the good guy who plays any available role, and by buffing a mentaly ******ed Caitlyn that turretdives at level 3 because the jungler told her to do so and died with her. This is what usualy happens in ELO hell. Or even if your lane is good

Now to the idea. Instead of a normal support I decided to pick Nautilus, I played him as a support in lane phase, then normally (AP Tank). It won the lane and got our Vayne fed.
So my idea is instead of support, pick an agressive, yet not squishy champion. Play him as support earlygame and then develop him normaly.

Examples: Nautilus, Darius, Tryndamere (Don't rambo with trynda)
Draven also works because an Ez begged me to support him with Draven and... the lane was easy.

So please write a comment below about what you think and if this might work if I do it to get me out of ELO hell?
Madreds's Forum Avatar
Apr 6th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 10, 2012 2:53pm | Report
there is no elo hell, why 2500elo smurfs dont get stuck in it? they carry their own sorry ***es outta it, stop crying for it and GO MAN MODE Taric with duoQ partner and rape some botlane***
thanks to The_Nameless_bard for the signature.
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2012 9:49am | Report
you can do this with champions like Lux and Zyra and they fill the role significantly better. They support pretty well and can build damage for relatively no expense to your team.

but I recommend playing traditional supports. You're probably in "elo hell" because you try things like Tryndamere support. Just a guess
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
morrkevi's Forum Avatar
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Sep 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 13, 2012 7:37pm | Report
Use Taric or Alistar if you want to do that. They both have CC and they are both tanky. It is best to have one person in a support role. Find a partner and duo que!
Guide - Sona! - Zyra
Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 13, 2012 10:35pm | Report
If you have an ADC that is stupidly aggressive, then there are two ways you can play it.

Go super aggressive by picking Blitzcrank, Alistar, or Leona.

Or, try to compensate for your teammates stupidity by trying to keep them alive: Soraka.

Generally traditional supports work better than random kill lanes, but several seem to do better than others, these supports most notably being Gangplank, Lux, and Zilean. My only other advice than trying to compensate for bad teammates, is that you deliberately practice support in non-ranked games. That is honestly the best way to help any ADC (even the bad ones) snowball.

If I helped you, click that +rep!
CounterSnipe's Forum Avatar
Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 14, 2012 7:55am | Report
What you're talking about is running an aggressive support lane as opposed to a passive support lane. In low ELO support is thought of as the role that's there to strictly heal/protect the ADC, but this is just not the case. I personally prefer support champions that have the potential to run aggressive lanes, such as Alistar Blitzcrank and Leona. Hard CC champions with HP is what you're looking for.

As for your list:
Tryndamere I would not recommend because his CC is strictly used for dueling or minor chasing and doesn't fill the role of supporting the same way a displacement (pull or grab) does, such as in the case of Darius and Blitzcrank.

If you want, not that I'm trying to get a vote out of you or anything, you can view my Leona guide under my profile builds. I used to be in my own elo hell of 900, but now I'm playing in the middle 1400's (currently 1442). Support champions are what I mainly used to get out of this elo, and Leona was one of the ones I used most frequently. Also consider looking up Blitzcrank and Alistar guides as well, but note that both of those champions become perma-banned once you reach 1200 elo. With this said, I just always play Leona if I fill support, but she is not, in any way, a champion you can run in every single game.
<Ancient Member>
Alahric's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 22, 2012 11:20am | Report
SimonXYT wrote:

So I am usualy left to support in solo quee since I am the good guy who plays any available role, and by buffing a mentaly ******ed Caitlyn that turretdives at level 3 because the jungler told her to do so and died with her. This is what usualy happens in ELO hell. Or even if your lane is good
Nevermind the fact that there is no "Elo Hell", I know it's frustrating to babysit a moron. But does that mean you're off the hook? Did you really do all you could have done? Do you really fit the support role criteria? It's not something to be taken lightly if you want to improve your gameplay, this line of questioning that is.

When I read what I quoted above, I paused a little. Why didn't you help them?! You could have taken the initial hits of the turret, unless you were low on health, the least you could have done was to tell them to wait for a better opportunity (not in hindsight). For now I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, it's just that this is commonplace for supports who criticize their AD carry (like: AtheneOnYoutube.img).

Speaking of commonplace, your idea is actually what Leona, Taric, Alistar, Blitzcrank even Lulu and Sona (etc.) do all the time. You don't need to go Tryndamere who becomes utterly useless without farm, that's the exact opposite of a viable support. If you fit the criteria of being a good support, then this is the easiest way to get out of the presupposed "Elo Hell". You are more likely to give your AD carry kills, giving him a huge advantage over the enemy, and you also set your opponents back. Sometimes you can even shut them down completely. It's just a matter of how good you are at making plays, warding and map awareness.
kallcrack's Forum Avatar
May 28th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2013 4:53pm | Report
In fact there are smurfs who get cought in elo hell. In the start of s3 one of CLG EU's players got cought in it. I don't recall who it was but yet I rmemeber that he did. I don't belive he is still in "elo hell".

Its also kind of 'common' to hear of 2k+ that they got stuck in elo hell on their smurfs, the elo hell theory is based on trolls. Trolls is in all over soloqueue no matter the elo, of course but it's in the very bottom on the ladder when people get ugly and do nasty things xD.
DarkPercy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 10, 2013 9:47pm | Report
You should try AP Sion. If well played (I suppose you are much much better than your enemies because you are in elo hell right?), you can pretty much 1v2 and still win the lane lol. AP Sion's burst in lane is so freaking ******ed.

Then you can go gank other lanes and make your entire team win their lane.

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